Global peace starts with us. . .
In a reading September 2012 with Archangel Michael, through Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love, I said:
“I want everyone to Love each other. It is not the way sometimes.”
Archangel Michael replied:
“It is the only way. So do not relinquish that vision, that dream and that creation. Simply because it is not so in every situation you have had and are witnessing does not mean that it cannot and will not be so.”
We have fought in outer space; we fought in past lives; we are still fighting — not truly listening.
I’ve been pondering the question of Love:
Are we in Love with each other?
In Love there is listening to the other. . .
Why are we not and what are the underlying issues?
I’ve personally found the underlying issues can lie in early childhood, if we were listened to, and heard by our caregivers.
Looking into the past, are we holding equal LOVE for the feminine – all family members, and the masculine – all family members?
Are we holding forgiveness for the past?
Have we come to gratitude for all the experiences, good, bad and ugly, for the wisdom learned?
From that place it’s easier to listen, to be compassion for another.
We are that balance within, and can more easily hold the highest vision for everyone to find this, too.
When we carry resentments, have unresolved issues, we recreate interactions not of love.
In the higher realms we are all sisters and brothers – knowing we are birthed of the Divine Mother and the Divine Father.
There is no war/fighting above because we are in a state of bliss where we have forgiven each other for everything — knowing that LOVE for each other is the most important.
In this article, How to Become a Master at Talking to Strangers, the author talks about listening to a stranger as a host:
At this level of listening, you are not simply listening for something you want to talk about, or offering advice, or trying to think of something smart to say in response.
It’s not about your agenda.
It is a level of engagement that is about helping your partner get to what they really want to talk about, and you going along for the ride.
You still want to talk about yourself a bit, to give a little, and not leave the person feeling like you’ve just rummaged around in the bureau of their personal life and made off with a watch.
But you want most of the focus to be on them.
It is, again, a form of hospitality.
You are hosting someone.
You are surrendering a measure of control.
You are giving them space.
You are taking a risk.
That risk opens you to the potential rewards of talking to a stranger.
We are guests here on Gaia.
Polite guests, remembering we are beings of the higher realms?
On a journey to find that place
where heart listening is
the everyday way.