(Concluded from part 1, yesterday.)
[Roll the cameras.]
Pssst. Look, man.
I have a treasure map, alright? Top-secret stuff. It’ll only cost you your attachment to everything you are, do, and have.
And you can’t tell anyone….. Alright?
Above Cosmic Clearance Top Secret Confidential
Secret of Secrets and Map of Maps
—-> Love in limitless quantities can be found in the heart.<—-
“She [Love; that is, the Divine Mother] is more precious than rubies: and all things thou canst desire are not to be compared unto her.” (Proverbs 3:15.)
—-> “Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door will be opened.” <—-
There. That’s it. I’m done.
I’ve just shared the greatest, above-cosmic-clearance, (1) confidential secret in the history of the world, bar none. I’m now a whistleblower. I may be deplatformed for this!
Love is everywhere and everything but we humans have been so fashioned that it flows most copiously inside our hearts, where we are to seek it. (2) It’s virtually an inner tsunami of love; it’s the mystical River Jordan in which we’re all one day to be baptized; it leads to the Ocean of Love.
If you think you’ve heard what I just said before and … yaaawwnnnn … then I challenge you: Let this be the time it gets in, sinks in, makes an impression on you.
You’ve just been given the treasure map of treasure maps … and it cost you … everything. All your attachments.
OK. Nuff having fun. Back to the Arcturians:
“The qualities of Source are already fully present within, available to express and be experienced, as truth becomes an attained state of consciousness.” (3)
An “attained state of consciousness….” Good news and bad news. Good news: That “attained state of consciousness” is attained in a flash of insight, which can happen at any time.
Bad news: Prior to the full and permanent heart opening that Ascension (or Sahaja Samadhi) (4) is, any enlightenment experience we have won’t be permanent. It will probably fade away, leaving gifts, to be sure, but not surviving in its fulness. So don’t be too disappointed….
“The qualities of Source are already fully present within….”
Well, if they are, then it makes sense that we need to rid ourselves of whatever it is that obscures those already-existing qualities from shining through.
I know I am pure and innocent. I realized it on Sept. 18, 2018 at Xenia, in the presence of the Self. (5) I know that down below the vasanas, Constant Comment, and my habitual response patterns – and probably other layers – I am, pure and innocent.
I was not born in original sin but in original innocence. These things I know because I’ve realized them.
So these things we seek we already have. No sense trying to achieve or attain them. YOU are them.
Take ourselves through the spiritual car wash and cleanse the vehicle. That is all we need to do.
And that would apply to a regular lifetime, but in a lifetime when the whole planet is invited to ascend, you can probably go off in a Thai forest and still ascend. The only limit on activity would be, I’m guessing, that it be of the Light.
If we raise the subject of attaining that state of consciousness, then I have to comment on who it is that … hmmm … determines its timing and intensity? opens the door for us?
It’s my contention that our enlightenment experiences are overseen by our spirit guides, the archangels, and the Divine Mother, working in unison. Here’s a discussion with the Divine Mother about this subject, from a reading a month after the Xenia experience:
Steve: Now, implicit in what you are saying, Mother, is something that hasn’t been really talked about very much and that’s that the archangels or somebody else is managing our enlightenment experiences, timing, intensity… Am I correct in that?
Divine Mother: It is a Board of Directors rather than being “managed by.” That concept, the way that you have phrased it, dear heart, implies that you are being “managed by.” And that is not correct. [Steve: It ‘d be a violation of free will.]
Now also know, and it is delightful to speak about this … the timing, the pacing (and when I say pace, I mean the sequential unfoldment) of an Enlightenment process is such that of course you have a guardian and usually an Archangel that is working with you so that it is humanly and can we say, soul or esoterically – via your universal self – managed.
But you are far more involved and engaged in your Enlightenment process in terms of literal, actual, physical, mental, emotional and engagement than you have been previously. (6)
Yes, I can believe that. There’s a lot of spiritual research and other work going on in what amounts to the counterculture to the New World Order. It began in the Sixties and much of its findings have become part of our culture.
Meanwhile, the most important part of our work today, I think, is to seek love where it can be found and the Arcturian Group and the Mother agree that that is “within.”
The Arcturian Group continue:
“As the reality of Oneness is understood, accepted, and becomes the consciousness of increasingly more individuals, many three-dimensional creations will dissolve simply because the energy that formed them in the first place is no longer present to sustain and maintain them. This is beginning to happen now. Many obsolete belief structures are beginning to crumble and much more is to come which is very frightening for those who have placed hope and trust, safety and security in concepts.
“Allow everything that feels finished in your life to drop away regardless of how well it once worked for you in spite of the opposition you may get from those around you. Try not to mourn the loss of certain comfortable ways of living if they have begun to feel ‘old,’ but rather rejoice in the knowledge that a spiritual idea underlies every outer manifestation because you cannot make something out of nothing.”
“Allow everything that feels finished in your life to drop away” – possessions, belief systems, relationships, aspirations – anything we hold onto that has lost its attraction, relevance, or importance. Anything that weighs us down.
We’re already weighted down by what we’ve added to our original natural and innocent Self.
That having been said, were we in the transformative (or transfigurative, to use Patricia Cota Robles’s word) love of the higher realms, however, all of whatever we’re attached to would be swept away. And we’d instantly see the truth of what the Arcturians say here. That is what we’re working towards.
If our attention is constantly directed to the outer world, the inner world keeps its secrets hidden from us.
Every time I’ve experienced a higher-dimensional state, (7) I’ve first had to recognize its presence; if my attention was constantly directed elsewhere (outwards), I’d never become aware of it and recognize its presence.
I can’t believe how much information useful to me was packed into that one message. Marilyn has written that it took her some time to realize that the information she was channeling could be profoundly useful.
Well, it is, dear heart. So please don’t stop.
And the same goes to the other prominent channelers whose work is also profoundly useful and appreciated.
(1) So there is no “above cosmic clearance.” Quick! Call a Senate hearing!
(2) On the other side of the usually-closed heart aperture, which Hindus call the hridayam. It opens temporarily in Fourth-Chakra enlightenment and permanently in Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi, beyond the seven-chakra system.
(3) “The Arcturian Group via Marilyn Raffaele, Oct. 25, 2020,” October 25, 2020, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2020/10/25/the-arcturian-group-via-marilyn-raffaele-oct-25-2020/. All quotes from the Arcturian Group are from the same article.
(4) Steve Beckow: I’m trying to understand what level of enlightenment Ascension corresponds to. And I think it’s beyond the normal seventh-chakra enlightenment. I think it is what is called — and I’ll make this clear to readers — sahaja samadhi. Am I correct?
Divine Mother: Yes, it is beyond what you think of with your seven chakras. … We have emerged from the Third-Dimensional realm [i.e.,we’ve achieved moksha, liberation, or, as we call it, Ascension], which is that reference point for the chakra system, into the new. So yes, you are correct, in this question and in this statement.
SB: It’s wonderful to have that confirmed. Thank you very much, Mother. …
DM: Now, you understand that most people – and yes, you will do a good job of explaining – have no conception of what this [discussion] really means.
Steve: Well, you know that I have a website that discusses Sahaja Samadhi at length. And that’s from Sri Ramana Maharshi…. If I take that material and present it to readers, would that be adequate?
DM: That will help. (“The Divine Mother: Come to Me as I Come to You – Part 1/2,” Oct. 17, 2012, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2012/10/17/the-divine-mother-come-to-me-as-i-come-to-you-part-12/.)
The Heart is the seat of Jnanam [Knowledge, Wisdom] as well as of the granthi (knot of ignorance). It is represented in the physical body by a hole smaller than the smallest pin-point, which is always shut [the hridayam]. When the mind drops down in Kevalya Nirvikalpa [samadhi, Brahmajnana, Seventh-Chakra enlightenment], it opens but shuts again after it. When sahaja is attained it opens for good. (Ramana Maharshi in S.S. Cohen, Guru Ramana. Memories and Notes. 6th edition. Tiruvannamalai: Sri Ramanasramam, 1993, 96.)
[The heart aperture or hridayam, as small as a pinpoint] is always shut, being the knot of ignorance which ties the body to consciousness. When the mind drops in the temporary Kevala Nirvikalpa it opens but shuts again. In Sahaja it remains always open. (Ramana Maharshi, GR, 81.)
Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi is Ascension out of the Third and Fourth Dimensions.
The website location is “Enlightenment – (4) Experiences beyond God-Realization (Brahmajnana, kevalya nirvikalpa samadhi) – Kevalya Nirvikalpa Samadhi compared with Sahaja Nirvikalpa Samadhi” and following, at http://goldengaiadb.com/index.php?title=E.
(5) So realized rather than intellectually or experientially knew. Realization leaves one with a sense of certainty.
(6) Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Oct. 26, 2018.
(7) True for love, bliss, peace, mastery, and abundance. I worry that you tire of hearing me talk about them!