Wherein I frustrate myself trying to communicate love.
Boy, lightworkers really straddle two worlds. On the one hand we’re aware of arson, drones, and directed energy weapons being used to start fires in California, Oregon, and Washington.
On the other hand, we’re continuing to prepare by cleansing ourselves and dropping old paradigms that no longer serve. And marching and protesting.
On the one hand, governments are shouting “Second wave!”
On the other hand, (I hope) we’re trying to separate truth from fiction and do what serves our communities best.
Meanwhile, the community seems to have a fever. I’ve noticed that protests against various health regulations and restrictions are not being received kindly. Many people seem crabby and on edge.
Since we know the ending to the movie, it’s possible to choose our role and choose the battles we feel we need to fight.
In recent years, I’ve come to see more of the mechanics of love and peace so I put a lot more stock now in such things as sending love out to those who need it and radiating peace.
When I use the word “love,” I’m pointing at something head and shoulders above what we mean by it in ordinary speaking.
I know why few people discuss it. They don’t because there are no words for it.
Our language was formulated by people who probably had no idea about the higher dimensions and no experience of these higher states.
I’ve never been able to find a word that describes either love or peace in ways that truly capture them. I ran out of metaphors a long time back.
Aldous Huxley wrote a book called The Doors of Perception. Entering higher-dimensional love or peace is like someone suddenly throwing open the doors of perception. The sunlight streams in.
There. Did that communicate? Probably not. Words usually only interest; they don’t often spark realization.
The Buddha compared our everyday lives to a house on fire. We’re on fire with desires which are, all of them, quenched or satisfied by a torrent of love. He asks us to come out of the burning house of desire into the fulfilling river of love.
Did that do it? No again, eh? Hmmm….
Because higher-dimensional love is so utterly fulfilling and satisfying, I want to climb the minaret and shout. (1)
It’ll always be a baffling matter to me, how to communicate in words the experience of love and peace as they exist on the higher planes.
I’m waiting for the world to be gripped by a pandemic of love.
And, yes, I know we’ll get there eventually. But I’d like us to be there now.
Divine Mother: Make no mistake, Sweet One, Love will win because that has been my Plan always. (2)
(1) Ramanuja was given a mantra by his guru and told that if he shared it with anyone else, he’d go to hell. Ramauja achieved enlightenment with his mantra, climbed the local minaret, and began shouting his mantra for all to hear.
His guru climbed up too and asked him what he was doing. Was he crazy? Ramauja replied that, if one person achieved enlightenment using his mantra, he was happy to go to hell.
(2) Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 30, 2019.