by Neva Gabrien
Editor’s note: The original of this channelling is in Portuguese
Greetings from Command!
There are many questions about what our arrival will be like and what it will cause throughout the world when we can finally make our appearance to greet everyone, with wishes for Peace and a New Era. Evidently, there are still those who do not want our arrival, as this will inevitably cause a change in the entire way of life and a collapse of the standards considered normal. In addition, there will be a breakdown of beliefs and the way in which people understand Love and Brotherhood will be shaken, as what we are going to inform will discontinue the ways in which they have understood certain things for the last 26 thousand years.
As we have discussed in our message, The Disclosure Plan, we have been preparing the groundwork with small screenings to see how people will react. What has greatly encouraged us is that there has been more excitement than not. This has also, of course, frustrated those who wish to keep you in ignorance of what is beyond the veil. This has been a long-standing “struggle,” as we have sent our emissaries to various parts of the world to alert their leaders that we are present and that there is nothing they can do to change it.
Our main fleet is coming from a central base that is in another space of existence and our main Mothership is 6 times the size of the planet Jupiter. Obviously, it is impossible for us to enter your Solar System with this ship without causing a major problem in the orbits of the planets present. So, we created a plan and it is constantly updated and adjusted, but always maintaining the basic line of manifestation. This plan is in progress and includes, obviously, The Disclosure Plan explained by us previously, as well as what we will talk about next.
We showed Neva and asked for images to be taken to better illustrate what the first moments of first contact will be like. Considering that our first ongoing displays are just preparing the ground for our official arrival, it is also worth mentioning that, when we officially arrive, there will be no doubt about it, as we will park a large Mothership that will be visible to everyone, so there will be no room for doubt. And yes, some of their leaders will try to attack us, which is obviously useless. They will set up camp and have their sights on us, which is also useless. A good approximate example of how we will arrive was well represented in the film “Arrival”.
As we said, our main Mothership is 6 times the size of Jupiter. We will park it just before the (*) Kuiper Belt and send a smaller Mothership, 3 times the size of your local moon, out into the Solar System.
Our secondary Mothership will initially be 120 million kilometers from Earth, a little before the Sun, which is 150 million kilometers away. Obviously, due to its small size compared to the Sun, it will be invisible to the naked eye and obscured by the sun’s glare. Later, we will be allowed to approach from 120 million kilometers to 120 thousand kilometers, much closer than its local moon, which is 384 thousand kilometers away.
At that time, there will be great turmoil in the hearts of those who observe us, including their leaders. For those who have us as allies, there is nothing to fear, but for those who are reluctant to admit our presence to the masses and who wish to maintain their beliefs, it will be distressing. From the surface perspective, they will see us like this:
This moment is not under our jurisdiction, nor do we have any intention of violating the programs and order of events established by the Masters who are in charge of this mission. However, we can say that: just as you know that rain is coming when the sky is filled with clouds; just as you know that it will be nightfall when the sun goes down to the west; just as you know that it will be dawn when the dawn breaks, you can have an idea of the threshold of these events, considering the great agitation and desperation of those who, for millennia, have disturbed the development of the human species on Earth. Until this happens, continue living with Love and Fraternity, for you have also been warned by the Master who is equipping us for the mission: “Pray and be vigilant.”
Friends of Earth, you have spent eons of time living in the darkness of ignorance about how great life is and how blessed it can be. When you can finally travel through space, help other cultures throughout the cosmos and be free again, you will see that everything you went through on Earth was a mere “speck”, considering the blessings you will obtain for such dedication and missionary commitment. We do not want to belittle what you are experiencing on Earth, nor do we want to make any apology for suffering, but we emphasize the blessings that are coming to you as a merit for so much work and dedication. You will find yourselves enveloped in so much Love, Bliss and Peace that everything you went through on Earth will be just a distant memory, but no less important, in the face of a grandeur that is already dawning on the horizon for you. Believe in this, for this is an inviolable truth.
There are still those who appear to be the most important people who have ever existed on Earth, in a pride and arrogance fueled by pride and arrogance, when they gave themselves the title of “enlightened holders of sovereignty,” where they believed they could, in this belief, enslave other contiguous species. The Illuminati are now watching an empire they considered indestructible crumble. When they saw the size of our main Mother Ship on its way, they were afraid, and perhaps they have a minimum of lucidity and humility to know that they are “nothing” compared to the grandeur of the Cosmos in confrontation with their egos.
This is an official message from the Ashtar Command through Neva. Listen to the voice of the Ashtar Command at this time, conveying these truths, as we await the time to be together again.
The vibration of the Earth continues to rise, while alliances continue to form and disclosure is pushed to the closed tables and debates of your leaders. Soon you will learn that the UN has locked itself in its chambers and not allowed the media to be present when, in fact, you will be discussing internally what you can do, since it becomes untenable to hold back the truth of our existence. We will increase the crop circles around the world; we will increase our visibility in the skies and we will also increase the interference in your media, when you will be able to hear noises emitted by our ships in low Earth orbit. We will be more present in your night dreams and the sensation of being watched will increase. To the leaders, we say: we will see how much longer you can bear without speaking the Truth openly.
We embrace the Earth now with all our Love and Truth because, truly, the entire planet would fit in our hearts.
(Command’s main mothership, 6 times the size of Jupiter compared to Earth)