This generation is all higher-dimensional
It’s hard to imagine that this generation is – all – higher-dimensional and originally came to help with our Ascension. But the Company of Heaven says we are. (1)
And how challenging is incarnation – the aches and pains!
Having been outside this body, I know how light and yet responsive my astral form is. (2) Compared to it, this physical body is almost a non-conductor of emotions and certainly consciousness states (like love, peace, and joy); these refined states cannot easily pass through it.
Think of sending a jolt of electricity through a thick slab of meat. Probably lots of resistance. It isn’t the kind of thing that conducts emotions or states of consciousness easily.
OK, that exhausts my knowledge of Grey’s Anatomy. I was about to say that the impulse would pass along the nerve but not the “meat.” But what do I know?
So chalk that down to one factor we have to deal with in incarnating – a non-conductive physical body that blocks higher memory, feelings, and states of consciousness.
On top of that, some of us were born into the really hard roles – the cabal, the cartels, dictators, etc. Some of these are in fact dark souls realizing their karma in this lifetime.
But many others may have volunteered to be born into a lineage to loosen and perhaps end it. The so-called “scions of the Illuminati” from the 1990s include people in this group.
And others may have been born into the Illuminati to show how to leave it, whatever occurs after it.
I’ve been given a dual role – to cover these times, yes. Also, to know enough about the cabal so as to point to what needs to be done and/or the way out of it for those wishing to leave. In this I’d have Michael’s help, thank heavens. (3)
Of the volunteers, many may have been subjected to MK-Ultra programming, as Justin Trudeau is suspected to have been, to split their personality and make them compliant.
These people may have completely forgotten their original mission and identity and probably carry an additional heavy weight of self-loathing.
Real, authentic love is probably the only thing they’d recognize from a well-wisher, if they’re even reachable.
My major concern here, as you know, is with saving the people. Young and old, boy and girl, man and woman are (or were) imprisoned below ground – as in the Getty Museum and Playboy Mansion. These are burning by design, I believe, to “hide the evidence” – along with all other sex-trafficking and adrenochrome-harvesting bunkers around the world. (4)
Past that and I’m on to building Nova Earth again and returning to a multi-dimensional, cross-cultural spirituality.
Along with a few other things. (5)
(1) See An Explosion in the Meaning of Humanness at
(2) See “The Disappearance of the Fear of Death,” November 14, 2023, at
(3) Archangel Michael: Know that I am right next to you. Sometimes I am typing, sometimes I am moving your pen, always I am whispering in your ear. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Nov. 21, 2012.)
(4) Are you aware that there are reports that many survivors of Hurricanes Katrina and Helene were rounded up after by FEMA and sent into human-trafficking circles?
(5) Humanitarian philanthropy and expansion of the Golden Age of Gaia to join the replacements to the mainstream media. I’ve been too abashed to share Michael’s comments on the blog’s future. But sooner or later I’ll want to so why not now?
Archangel Michael: Are there needs for the platforms, and particularly this one, to continue? It is seldom that I am at a loss for words, but we really don’t know what we would do without this platform.
And that is why we encourage you, and we request you, in the spirit of equality and partnership, to please continue on. You are serving, but you are also creating with us. (“Archangel Michael: Those in Power are also Having a Change of Heart,” August 1, 2020, at
AAM: We are talking about substantially increased readership. We want the world to hear you. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 28, 2014.) (Hereafter AAM.)
AAM: The blog is an essential piece of that writing and stepping forward. As we have said, what you think of as traditional news agencies are like dinosaurs. So that will emerge. (AAM, Oct. 21, 2015.)
AAM: We are all working not merely on the lightworker community, but on those who have still need to discover you.
[Michael is our only source of readers; no advertisements.] …
The goal is to reach everybody. (AAM, Nov. 21, 2014.)
AAM: When [the recalcitrants] choose to turn back and seek the truth, the love, it will be there waiting for them and that is what you do. That is what your job is. And, dearest heart, you are doing it well. (AAM, April 19, 2017.)