If one has trouble with Archangel Michael’s recent comment – don’t take sides; there is only one choice: to love or not to love – don’t feel bad. Look how long it took me to get it. But the light eventually went on.
However, here, I’d like to look at one specific difficulty: The fact that its truth can only be seen and known from a higher-vibrational plane than we’re (mostly) presently on.
This makes proving it or creating the experience of it difficult.
I’m on the same plane as you. But I did spent six months in a higher form of love in 2015 (apparently I can visit, but not stay). (1) That was enough to fix it in my bones and remember it!
The memory of such a welcome state can’t be erased and isn’t lost, even if I can’t remember what I had for breakfast this morning. (2)
However, the annoying thing is that proof can only be had when we arrive in the conditions under discussion. Before that point, an explanation remains only words.
It seems that we cannot know and understand what we haven’t already experienced.
In this case, Michael’s saying may not release its full “boom!” unless we know, feel, or have experienced the love that he’s pointing at. That requires that our hearts be opened, (3) as they will be in the passage of Ascension time.
Nevertheless, that’s what makes talking about it so frustrating – probably to anyone who’s ever tried to talk about higher-dimensional love.
But just because the treasure chest has been stored on the highest shelf, beyond our reach, doesn’t mean that it’s not there.
There’s a love that will enable us, ennoble us, absolve us, satisfy us, uplift us, purify us, and enrich us. Just because you and I may not be in it right now does not negate its presence or power.
When we’re in the Ocean of Love, there’s only one choice: To choose to be in this love or … impossible to conceive … to not be in it. When I was in it, I was only aware of two desires in me: (1) that it continue and (2) that I be able to share it.
I cannot conceive of any other desire arising in our minds for quite a while. (4)
(1) Archangel Michael: Visit; don’t stay. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 6, 2013. Hereafter AAM.)
AAM: If you are in service, you will not choose to live there. … You can think of it as keeping two feet firmly on the ground. (AAM, ibid., Feb. 14, 2012.)
On the heart opening itself, see “Submerged in Love,” March 14, 2015, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2015/03/14/submerged-in-love/
(2) Michael confirmed in this June 17, 2020 reading that I would be getting my memory back and that memory loss was to keep me in the moment and not in Third-Dimensional memories.
(3) This is not the same as being open-hearted; it is not an attitude but a spiritual/physical event. The hridayam or heart aperture must open. I assert that this opening, like all spiritual events, lies in the hands of the archangels and the Mother. Ask and ye shall receive.
After writing this article, I came across the following description, which matches my experience of the heart opening:
“At this time you will find that like a capsule exploding, love will truly explode into your life. The love of the Creator will bathe you completely. … It may feel like you are being blessed with overwhelming love in abundance in all areas of your reality and being.” (“Master Lanto: Era of Love Pioneer, channeled by Natalie Glasson, September 27, 2013 at http://omna.org.)
(4) Eventually, yes. But, in the afterlife literature, allowance is made for new arrivals to the higher planes just to sit in the newly-arisen bliss.