Greetings and Salutations,
So here we are; the beginning of a New Year and nothing has happened. Yet.
We know. We know only too well; nothing has happened.
But the game of charades is closing into a melee of sorts and the plot thickens and the pot is close to boiling soon.
You have waited this long you will have to continue dealing with the same level of hurry up and wait as you have for years. Hurry up; be ready, get things done, make lists. And all of those earthly tasks have long been laid aside.
We can assure you that all of this is yet in the works and the folk who used to call the s***s have been discharged with the white hats of sorts taking charge and guiding the issues toward a decent closure.
You will need to wait a little while longer and we would ask that you do it with patience. The matters under discussion are far more serious than they have ever been in your days of dealing with the PPs [prosperity packages].
We are happy to be able to tell you that this is not in vain. Things move along bit by bit….
Love and Kisses,