by BP, January 10, 2025,
Do the writers of this screenplay have your attention? Are you side-tracked by sensational headlines? Are you thrown off your game by knee-jerk reactions to emotionally disturbing events? Do you feel out of control and fear the future? Are you filled with dread about coming events? Do you pray to wake up from this nightmare of a war to find it was all just that ~ a bad dream?
By now, most of you should be on a fairly even keel, because you’re watching ~ just watching ~ from 60,000 feet. The drama doesn’t touch you. You know that potentially fear-invoking events and emotionally charged situations are just around the corner, and you’re resigned to come through relatively unscathed.
That’s why we’re here; to anchor the frequency and energy of the realm while these chaotic events churn by, day after day, week after week.
The only way to the other side is through the muck and the mire. There’s no way around it ~ but it will be transformational, and good beyond our wildest dreams.
Trump’s request to delay sentencing was denied, and they made a show of the ridiculous charges in court this morning. I hope you enjoy the histrionics, or as Q said, “the show.”
So much this year hasn’t been what we expected. It’s been a little quiet, considering:
- Trump’s new cabinet had to be confirmed;
- Trump’s trial was scheduled; and
- We’re walking on eggshells as we approach Trump’s inauguration…
…because the cabal hasn’t been the pain in the butt that they always were. It’s been quiet, and we’re expecting that to change any time now as we approach January 20th.
Sometimes it seems they’re just keeping us entertained until this whole thing is over.
I would just say that to free a planet of mind-controlled people, trapped by a more developed race of warrior species who use highly advanced technology to keep their slave plantation intact, one has to make bold moves; sly moves; ruthless moves. Q has alluded to the strategy of Sun Tzu, and we know this war is very old.
Attempts were made in the distant past to best the enemy, and they failed. This time is different. This time, the Alliance will do whatever is necessary. The route taken is slow, methodical, event-driven, and addresses the psychology of the Human element to preserve as many lives as possible.
A faster or more efficient approach would shatter the psyches of millions of people who cannot grasp a sudden shift in Truth and Reality as they know it. To break the programming most of Humanity is under, the Alliance are using tactics to subconsciously move people towards recognizing the truth. It’s painfully slow for those of us who are already awake, and it’s difficult to watch sometimes.
You will notice that they inject humour wherever possible, which diffuses the confusion, anger, and sorrow. One has to wonder: if we knew the lengths to which the Alliance would go to banish evil forever, and free the souls on this planet, would we approve? Would we be able to “handle the truth?”
Personally, I believe the Alliance would do anything to achieve their objectives, and not all of it would be welcomed by the tender Earthlings/Terrans, but the end justifies the means, and we will get through this. It takes great courage and compassion to make the tough decisions, and with the assistance of a Quantum Computer and other technology, the White Hats know the odds of success, and the price for each move they might make. I doubt we would want to be in their shoes.
There is still the “gut-punch” to get through, folks, and Trump is likely to be at the centre of it. I’m hearing that familiar chatter about Trump being ‘removed, but safe,’ so we’d best steel ourselves for that potentiality.
While the Patriots are in control, they’re still duking it out with the cabal. There’s a reason this isn’t common knowledge; they don’t want panic and more bloodshed. The cabal wants everyone in fear and anxiety all the time. They want to keep everyone on edge, and their frequency low.

…but they can’t have it their way.