New Book!
The Ascension Lightworker Guide:
A Handbook for Weary Souls
If you know you’re a lightworker here to assist humanity through the process of ascension to the Fifth Dimension, you may very well be feeling quite weary at this point – and perhaps also fearful and despairing.
The intensity on the planet since the beginning of 2020 has been challenging, to say the least. Even before the recent violence began erupting, there was already so much fear, despair and anger within most of humanity. But now, there is rage and terror streaming through the collective consciousness, as well.
You may dearly want to help to bring sanity and wholeness to humanity – but it might feel pointless at times. What can you do, really? With all that’s happening now, it can feel as if nothing any one of us can do could ever help humanity toward fifth-dimensional consciousness…
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Listen to my latest youtube:
Experiencing 5D While Living in a 3D/4D World
Check out my recent book on Amazon.