by Judith Kusel
Within me there is great peace, and the inner knowing that all is ok, and all will be ok.
No matter what is seemingly happening on and in the Old Earth, all is on track.
We have fully stepped into multi-dimensionality, and this means our souls are now operating on expanded levels, whether we are aware of this or not.
Our souls can be on many universal levels at once, and this means that we need to now become conscious of this, and choose to be on this earth, but not of it.
In truth all brings you back to Love. Love within, all abiding, as the Kingdom of Heaven is indeed there within you, and you are omniversally always atone.
Once we fully embrace Universal consciousness, we know for sure, that we can consciously choose every breathing moment whether we wish to expand into multidimensional seeing, or shrink ourselves back into the 3D, unconscious.
Fear is unconscious and causes stress, closing the heart. The choice is yours.
Many of us are serving on intergalactic levels, and know this.
It puts things into perspective.
Yes we can feel empathy, yet always have the higher perspective, and be ever present in the highest state of Love.
You need not be physically in a place, to project, send out love and light to others all over the world. Many of us are already bilocating and acting as earth angels there.
Nothing is ever missing.
All is perfect, whole and complete.
And nothing is impossible. That word does not exist in universal consciousness, for the seeming impossible is just something within you, you have not yet explored and expanded into.
Let us stay centered in love and lift humanity through this all, even as we cocreate the New Golden Age with Love and Joy!