by Natalia Alba
111 ๐๐๐จ๐จ๐๐๐ – ๐๐ค๐ฃ๐๐๐๐ ๐๐ฅ๐๐ง๐๐๐๐จ
Beloved Ones,
As a result of our intention to continue reconnecting ourselves to authentic Sources, our Soul, Monad, and Unified Self, many of you are now embodying more soul fragments, and with them more love, wisdom, and power.
Today, 111, we reach the peak of the passage that started on January 1st. A passage that is marked by the monadic activation, and upgrades, that is taking place in many of you.
Since the beginning of last year, we have started clearing our galactic heritage, releasing false programs, rehabilitating our DNA, and retrieving our power and authentic Soul’s expression. This inner work has propitiated in many of you the Monadic activation and upgrades that you are now experiencing, moving into a more illumined state of BEing, as you integrate the updates into your light body that will help you become who you are in essence.
This is a previous step towards activating your Diamond Hara Line, an advanced step many of you are too undergoing.
When the Monad is healed and we consciously realign ourselves to it, it opens like a golden lotus flower, becoming whiter and whiter as we too embody our divine origin, memories, and soul purpose. It is then that you may start feeling hot flashes, for the Light that you are now embodying is nothing like you ever had before.
The entire nervous system is recalibrated, and the fascia needs to be cleared to integrate and transmit these New Light transmissions, as well as your mind free of old programming and DNA.
You may too experience pain in your bone structure, as the process of physical ascension begins too, becoming less dense and rigid.
It is all an organic process we need to embrace with joy and acceptance, knowing ourselves and our bodies and learning the proper mechanisms and healing techniques that best work for us, as we are all unique and have specific conditions.
These Light transmissions will recalibrate, upgrade, and stabilize your seventh, eighth, and ninth-dimensional bodies, preparing you for the major activation of your tenth sapphire dimensional body, beginning to move from fragmentation to trinitization, as my Guides call the intermediate step towards unity, as we are yet to walk a long path to unify ourselves completely.
Many of you will start feeling many different sensations in your seventh-dimensional shoulder portal, pineal gland, and crown. This is how it starts, with the Higher Calling of your Unified Self that informs you that you are ready to be who you are, releasing illusions that kept you trapped in a false 3D body and mind.
We are gradually moving into a New Cycle of freedom at all levels, represented by Pluto into Aquarius, and Neptune and Saturn moving into Aries, which is a big shift that many of us are already feeling. This is why before taking these steps we need to be sovereign of our energy, bodies, and mind, for we cannot coexist with our old state of being, beliefs, and habits, as well as relationships, if we desire to move into a more harmonic state and experience.
As you consciously embrace the monadic upgrades occurring to you at this time, you will begin to realize the many divine gifts you carry within your DNA, and that you have cultivated during many lifetimes, wanting to be embodied and used for the highest good of All, at this transitional time.
Many of the gifts many of you will be activating are:
โข Transfiguration of the three lower-dimensional bodies and chakras, retrieving your angelic connection and memories.
โข Interdimensional travel – as you activate your second DNA and all your time codes and link yourselves to higher dimensions. Your Consciousness then is finally navigating between dimensions outside of the astral and its many illusions. It is then when many of you will act as harmonic messengers, sixth-dimensional angelic channels, or the unique role you play within Creation.
โข Etheric surgeons – for those of you who are healers, you may be stepping into these further stages, assisting in our physical plane and the ones you are guided to assist too.
โข Clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance – are some of the gifts you may retrieve, as you open your thalamus complex, restore your brain-heart connection, activate your thymus, and open your shoulder portals.
Many others will be the talents that will awaken in you as you continue retrieving your ancient memories, and heritage, for this is just the beginning of what we, as a species, and Divine Emissaries, are capable of doing, if we just realign to who we are, release false programs, fears, and start remembering again.
For all of you who are experiencing the many challenges, but also the blessings that this passage brings, all my love, and healing blessings for your unique path, Beloveds.
Within Infinite Love,