The energies have been so intense these past weeks that I totally lost it the other day and wrote a grumpy blog about someone who’d been writing deceitful blogs for years.
Normally I can easily let blogs like that go but because the negative energies swirling around were getting to me and I allowed them to put me, temporarily, in a foul mood, I wrote an “Enough is enough!” blog that I regretted the moment I pressed “send.”
Losing my cool showed me I needed to decompress big time, so I did what always works for me. I escaped the ‘real’ world by spending the whole day binge-watching one of my favorite detective series on MHz, “Inspector Montalbano.”
“Montalbano” stars the great Luca Zingaretti, and is set in the fictional seaside town of Vigata, Sicily. Montalbano depicts ‘la dolce vita’ / ‘the sweet life,’ with endless charm. The ensemble actors are superb and often provide wonderful laughs. The scene settings are dazzling: Daily swims in a sparkling Mediterranean, picturesque stone villages, restaurants and villas, endless pots of espresso, bowls of pasta, Focaccia, vino, and the requisite fascinating crimes. It is perfection to all detective-mystery buffs and has been a global hit for more than twenty years.
Thanks to Montalbano and my rejuvenating visit to Sicily yesterday, I have my sanity back and can assess the global situation with a semblance of calm.
Intense pressure and chaos has indeed escalated on surface Gaia but there is a deliberate and in fact, satisfying reason for it.
The deep state / cabal / illuminati are losing their war with the Light and the inevitable Ascension of Gaia, her Kingdoms and Humanity into a Higher Light dimension where the illuminati cannot go. A beautiful, pristine and Divinely restored Golden Gaia where the deep state can no longer feed off of Humanity and Earth.
Many channels of Angelics, Galactics and Masters have for years reported that the illuminati war for control of Gaia is already lost. Therefore, the deep state are throwing everything they can at the Light, including the kitchen sink, and they are losing big time.
Since the Covid-19 stay-at-home-lockdown began in March, the United States was already a simmering pot about to boil over when George Floyd was murdered on May 25th, igniting global protests and outrage.
The current state of affairs is described perfectly by ‘Mira from the Pleiadian High Council’ via the channel, Valerie Donner, on June 4, 2020:
“Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council currently serving full-time on the Earth Council.
“Many times in the past we have foreseen the chaos that currently exists on your planet. We feel your suffering and your anguish. We feel your despair and your fear.
“We know that in your life experience in the US and many other places, you did not anticipate these events. As you know, this is the final battle between the light and the dark. You are being made increasingly aware of the evil that exists and how it wants to destroy whatever it can because it knows its time is done.
“Did you ever expect the powers that have been controlling this planet to leave gracefully? Do you understand how desperate they are right now? Can you feel them clawing and fighting to keep what they have?
“They want to keep you in their clutches with their lies and deceit. However, whatever plans they have to remain in control, will not work. The light is on the planet and has taken charge. Whatever is occurring now is being played out as the very end game.
“The way is straight towards the light. You all need a rest and are due many rewards and celebrations. Please rest your mind and your bodies. Don’t try to figure everything out because it is incomprehensible. It is deep and it is wide. It is dark and it is deceptive. It wants only for itself, its own self-interest.
“We assure you that behind the scenes the light ones are mightily at work. They know exactly what to do and how to make modifications when they are necessary. It is a way of flowing with the energy and you are all learning this too…
“ Know there is a divine plan and trust the plan…
“Soon this drama will be over, and you will be on to new and higher things. We will be dancing with you in the stars, in the sky and on the streets.
“I love you and I am with you. I am Mira.” (1.)
Whatever tactics used to work for the deep state / illuminati / cabal, that kept their iron grip of control over this world, are no longer working and they are seriously pissed off.
The cabal tried to wipe out Humanity with Covid-19 and create paralyzing fear. Big fail. Even the corrupt cabal-controlled MSM is writing that it’s over and the globe is opening up.
After the tragic murder of George Floyd, the deep state incited riots, violence and looting. Big fail. Most everyone now knows the violence was instigated by ANTIFA operatives and that people actually gather peacefully to protest. (2.)
The illuminati are attempting to keep their hold on the false narrative with their fake-MSM but that also is a Big Fail.
Because Humanity has been kept home for almost three months, everyone with access to a computer has had time to look at ‘alternative’ news sources and learn that a much different world than the one outlined on the Evening News actually exists.
Instead of manifesting global fear with their pandemic lockdown, the illuminati have actually helped create the Great Awakening in Humanity. Big fail for them and victory for the Light.
The deep state did NOT count on Q-Anon or videos by David Wilcock, Janet Ossebaard, Magenta Pixie, Laura Eisenhower, Sascha Stone, Simon and Becky Parkes, Robert David Steele, etc. being viewed by millions of people in the last months.
The deep state could not believe that their all-powerful grip on mainstream media, politics, governments, banking, finances, debt-slavery, corporations, dirty energy, science, education, big pharma, entertainment and technology repression could ever fail. They’re in full shock mode.
How long has this struggle with the Alliance been going on for? David Wilcock surmises at least 300 years. St. Germain makes it at least 500 years. Who really knows until the truth is revealed and I expect that to be forthcoming in some form at the official end of this “lockdown.”
What exactly does this war with the cabal look like?
David Wilcock did a great summation in his 3-20-20 video that I transcribed. Here is a paragraph from that summation. A sort of cliff-notes on the cabal/Alliance war:
“The war between the Alliance and the cabal… began in Russia 300 years ago… at certain times the Alliance almost succeeded… Eisenhower tried to invade Area 51 and did get some information back… Kennedy was trying to defeat the Federal Reserve… he got assassinated… Watergate… Reagan getting shot when he wanted to tell the truth about UFO’s… Iran/Contra scandal 1987, where we found out the government was dealing cocaine and arming terrorists… Oklahoma City bombing, the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building that was blown up actually had all the documents that were going to be used to arrest and destroy the illuminati… they were clever in stopping that from happening… then 9-11 where the Pentagon was hit was right in the office of the Naval Intelligence Operations with information that was going to be used to arrest the cabal again….” ~ David Wilcock (3.)
Most people now know that the Alliance were to implement the NESARA law on 9-11 [NESARA, National Economic Security and Reformation Act.] But instead, the cabal blew up the World Trade Center and launched the fake “war on terror.” (4.)
The good news is, for those of us who have known about the NESARA and GESARA law [Global Economic Security and Reformation Act,] and for those of us who have been holding myriad currencies from Iraq, Vietnam, Indonesia or Zimbabwe etc. are about to see our long-held dreams for the healing and restoration of Gaia, Kingdoms and Humanity come true.
The cabal only cares about money, power-over-others, control and destruction. So taking away the cabal’s money little by little has been one of the Alliance’s great achievements. Drug cartels and human trafficking rings have been busted, the once privately-owned Fed bank has been Nationalized and absorbed by the U.S. Treasury, and the IRS no longer exists. Congratulations to the Alliance, big fail for the cabal.
There have been two decades of chatter about a Revaluation of Currencies (RV,) a Global Currency Reset (GCR,) and the implementation of NESARA and GESARA.
Followers of Q-Anon and President Trump’s tweets spend hours deciphering what’s really being said. Q speaks in code and Q+, known to be POTUS himself, also speaks in code. But in this June 5th tweet and film clip, President Trump leaves absolutely no doubt. The RV is a go. And soon.
In this clip POTUS repeats “RV” 5-times.
I cannot say with absolute certainty that the RV, GCR, NESARA and GESARA are a go or that they even exist. But I have read so much about these plans over the last 15-years, and Q and so many others keep telling us to “trust the plan,” that I have come to believe in the truth of these wonderful changes.
As always, please take what you can use and leave the rest.
I am hopeful, optimistic, no-longer-grumpy and more than ready for tsunamis of Happiness, Abundance, Healing, Health and Laughter for Gaia, her beautiful Kingdoms, especially her elements and Animals, and of course, Divine Humanity.
We are a world ready for waves and waves of Joy and Light, which would be the Divine restoration of our natural state of being.
We are ready for ‘la dolce vita,’ a sweet beautiful world where the cabal cannot go.
And I believe, with my whole heart, that we are on the precipice of the manifestation of that dearly longed for Golden Age of Gaia.
With blessings of Peace, Health and Abundance for all — we are Goddess, Sovereign, Free.
xo, Kat
(1.) Straight From the Heart – Scroll down the page to “A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council through Valerie Donner” June 4, 2020
(2.) Peaceful Marches across the USA for George Floyd, 6-6-20
(3.) David Wilcock on the Great Pandemic III: New Briefings, GAoG by Kat 3-20-20
(4.) What is NESARA? By Steve Beckow GAoG April 15, 2020