Here is the most recent video from Magenta Pixie and Laura Eisenhower, posted 4-25-20.
Laura Eisenhower and Magenta Pixie – Wings in the Darkness (Collapse of the Old Order)
It is a fascinating, emotional, and empowering conversation between two extraordinary, healing women who have been working for decades for Truth and the Path of Light, and who unfailingly blaze their Light for Gaia, her Kingdoms, Humanity and all.
They discuss where we are right now with the Covid-19 lockdown, and the various emotions each has experienced, and have heard others experience.
They are in agreement that those who have done the inner-work, and who have been “awake” to the existence of the illuminati/cabal/deep state for years, are faring much better than those who are bewildered and confused as to what’s really going on right now.
To those who are afraid of being forced to take vaccines, Laura and Magenta both feel it won’t come to that, but it’s a very good time to research natural cures and alternative medicine.
Magenta reiterates what The Nine have often told her, “Look to America. Look to Trump.” It is we here in the good ol’ US of A who will get the New World truly rolling.
They discuss the split between worlds: Those who cling to the dark agenda, the service-to-self plan, and those who embrace the coming Nova Gaia and the love, peace, kindness, creativity, Oneness, Unity, and empowerment it brings. As well, they discuss the higher DNA activation, which Laura calls the Love Affair.
This is a beautiful “chat” between two wonderful souls who care, with all their hearts, for all, and who strive to empower, encourage and enlighten not only through this extraordinary time of global shift; they have been talking about these things for decades.
Laura Eisenhower’s 4-10-20 video, which could be described as her statement of sovereignty against the cabal, and that Magenta sent thousands to watch, has now been viewed by more than 330k people.
Janet Ossebaard’s documentary about the Cabal, Deep State and Q-Anon, posted 4-14-20, has had more than 155k views. I found the video link on another Magenta Pixie video, which was her conversation with Simon and Becky Parkes.
Magenta Pixie’s video, that outlines her 3-Steps to Ascension, in a conversation with Simon and Becky Parkes, posted 4-20-20, has had 25k views.
If you want to know what’s been going on, behind the mainstream media nonsense, with the cabal / deep state / illuminati, then Janet Ossebaard’s video is a must. It is not easy to watch, I warn you, but it is, I believe, the truth, and the truth that will very soon be told to the whole world.
If you want to learn about the kinds of wonderful Lightworkers and brave souls who bring truth to the world, along with help and encouragement, love, light and inspiration, then Magenta, Laura, Simon and Becky’s videos are well worth your time.
Magenta talked about many people who are relishing this global shutdown. People who are thrilled with time to do the things they never had the time to do. A kind of “don’t worry, be happy” approach.
Both Laura and Magenta are excited about what is being created right now.
A beautiful New World is being born out of the dark cabal rubble, a gorgeous Nova Gaia is arising like a Phoenix out of the illuminati ash.
Peace, Health and Abundance for all — Goddess, Sovereign, Free,
xo, Kat
Laura Eisenhower Website:
Laura Eisenhower on YouTube:
Magenta Pixie Website:
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