What a difficult path it is to follow at the present moment.
The pandemic is being revealed as a cabal initiative, their Doomsday Scenario #2 (World War III was #1).
Yet we cannot downplay it so significantly that people fail to follow advisable medical procedures. After all, people really are dying from it.
The Alliance is using the pandemic as a cover to keep people inside and out of harm’s way while they take down the cabal.
We want to follow that but not so loudly or closely that we compromise their operations.
And all of this is to be done without taking the easy-out of becoming a self-righteous advocate for a single cause and screaming at the reader.
This is the best of times. This is the worst of times.
But what it does – and this is true of war as well, as far as historical study can reveal it – is a pandemic, especially one that is very much less serious than is being represented, does something to us.
It brings hidden flaws to the surface with a sense of urgency and forces unresolved issues to be resolved, usually in relatively rapid fashion.
Lives are at stake. They’re no less at stake from the flu, as I understand it, but we’re all focused on stamping this one out. People have serious concerns and I have to accept that and reflect it in my behavior or risk seriously offending a lot of people.
In the face of this, issues, for me, like what Michael calls “seeking profile,” (1) are shown in stark relief. Being a self-righteous zealot for a single cause is usually a profile-seeking strategy. I see in myself a search for a position to take on issues. Part of that is to make myself comprehensible but part of it is vainglorious profile-seeking.
The minute profile-seeking is identified I drop it. But it’s there.
That having been said, for me, what the precipitate of all this is – the lesson to be learned from it – is that the best, most workable position – or perhaps footing – for a journalist to take at a time like this is to be found in the center, in the balance, with the mind as much as possible at rest.
Any swinging out to the extremes, except if I really think the issue requires it such as universal medicare and universal basic income, is going to require me to find my way back to the center eventually. The longer, more drawn out the process, the more extended my suffering. I can cut my losses by seeing that I’m doing it (say, seeking profile) and stopping immediately.
And not for the sake of profile. But for the sake of my well-being.
I’ve said it quite a few times but I believe that how we feel (or want to feel) is what motivates us more than anything else. When I’m swinging out to the extremes, I feel very good in the moment but I feel very bad some time after.
I’m preventing my own pain by staying in the middle. (2)
(1) “There are many light workers still who say that they are completely committed but to some extent, … they are engaged in drama or [act out of] their own need for profile.” (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Sept. 16, 2015.)
(2) There are always exceptions. There are causes I’m passionate about.