(Concluded from Part 4, yesterday.)
The subject of the ladder of consciousness is basic to my own spiritual practice.
Frankly, I think it may be basic to anyone’s. Let me discuss how it surfaces in my own practice.
Manifestation doesn’t come from intellectual or even experiential knowledge
As I said yesterday, if I were focused entirely on enlightenment as the object of life, I wouldn’t mention the siddhis or psychic powers, such as manifestation. They’re regarded by the dedicated seeker after enlightenment as being a distraction.
But we’re lightworkers and interested in alleviating poverty and hunger in the world. Manifesting either using devices like the replicator or our own psychic abilities has an importance to us that it doesn’t have to the dedicated seeker.
We’re not here for our personal enlightenment. We’ve been enlightened in other lifetimes or we wouldn’t be here, helping with an Ascension. We’re here for service.
Though many may disagree with me, I find dualism a more useful philosophy to lightworkers than non-dualism. We talk to the Divine Mother, as the dualist would; we don’t dismiss our talks as illusion, as the non-dualist might.
With this in mind, let’s look at this most-useful power of manifestation, as it ties in with realization.
A mistake we’re said to make is to expect the benefits that come from realization to come from intellectual or experiential knowledge; apparently they don’t, the Arcturian Group informs us:
“Many in their spiritual enthusiasm, have made the mistake of trying to live the absolute before attaining the consciousness of it. Attaining a consciousness of absolute truth is the evolutionary journey. … Truth begins as intellectual knowledge, but can never manifest into expression until realized.” (1)
“As with every aspect of spiritual evolution, intellectual knowledge of a truth is only the first step. You cannot sit in the absolute waiting for a bag of money to drop from the sky (although this could happen if you had the consciousness of it).
“Know the truth and then take whatever human footsteps you are guided to take, be it employment or assistance of some sort. Let your actions be what resonates with you, and not what others may be telling you to do for their guidance – as well meaning as it may be – is representative of their state of consciousness and not yours.” (2)
When, in the process of ascending, we become capable of tasting the spaces in the higher realms, our full reward will come, Diane of Sirius tells us. It will sweep away all thoughts of discord.
“Your full rewards will come to you as you begin to ascend, and a peace that knows no equal will settle upon you. No longer will you experience the discord and disharmony that is upon Earth, as in rising up you will sever your links with the lower vibrations. They will no longer serve you, and your vision will pull you towards the levels of Light that pervade the higher levels. You will find that you are at ‘home’ within them, and the realization will dawn upon you that you have simply reawakened to what you already knew.” (3)
St. Germaine says that realization realigns the energies more fully to the Creator. I believe he’s talking about a deeper sort of realization than a mere “Aha!”
“A simple realization will create a powerful and magnificent transformation which would realign their energies more fully to the Creator and divine flow of the Universe, allowing a freedom which will be a release and a completion of the lessons of numerous past lifetimes.
“These souls will then feel the energy and essence of transformation and the freedom of the Creator pulsating throughout their being guiding them to support others in doing the same.” (4)
I can speak to that: Realizing higher-dimensional love, a person wants only to communicate it and have others share in it, “guiding them to support others in doing the same.” I know that from experience – and realization.
The Arcturian Group inform us that:
“Where there is an attained consciousness (not intellectual knowledge) of oneness[,] with Divine completeness, there is abundance, for the door has been opened. New and better ideas begin to flow effortlessly to all aspects of life, and those things necessary seem to somehow be there when needed.” (5)
So, if we’re lightworkers wondering when we’ll be able to manifest, the Arcturian Group has just told us. The door will be opened when we have attained and are complete with oneness. Time to use all we know to help us realize oneness.
They go on to explain:
“Every spiritual idea of Divine Consciousness is embodied within every soul – abundance, joy, peace, wholeness, harmony, completeness etc. etc. The realization (not simply intellectual knowledge) of this is then translated by mind into forms that are understandable and personal to the individual.
“Example; A conscious realization of abundance as being an omnipresent quality of Source will manifest in the forms needed by an individual, forms he can relate to.” (6)
The realization of abundance will bring abundance. I’d assume the realization of peace would bring peace, and so on. That’s when we lightworkers will begin to manifest, as far as I can see. (7)
Again, if we were seekers after enlightenment, this discussion would be irrelevant. But as people who’ll be building a new Earth, the ability to see our desires for the highest good manifest comes to have more significance.
To summarize, consciousness resembles a ladder in that intellectuality only provides some satisfaction and occupies a lower vibration than the other two; experience – the next step up – provides more satisfaction and is a higher vibration; and realization provides more satisfaction than we can probably imagine and is the highest vibration of the three.
In this series, our sources have discussed the relative merits of each and described what realization is and what the deeper forms of it bring in their train.
Seeing spiritual practice as movement up this ladder is not only useful to people seeking enlightenment or Self-Realization. It’s useful to anyone serving the Divine Mother, any lightworker as well.
Knowing about this three-level ladder of consciousness is useful to us spiritually and practically. Since there are levels of realization, its study is just a door in to a much wider field.
(1) The Arcturian Group. Channelled by Marilyn Raffaele, January 10, 2016, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/01/11/the-arcturian-group-via-marilyn-raffaele-january-10-2016/.
(2) Ibid., March 20, 2016, at http://goldenageofgaia.com/2016/03/21/arcturian-group-via-marilyn-raffaele-march-20-2016/
(3) Diane of Sirius, Feb. 2, 2009, at at http://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
(4) “St. Germain: Are You a Member of the Team of Transformation in Embodiment?” Channeled by Natalie Glasson, November 11, 2016, at https://www.omna.org/latest-weekly-channeled-message/
(5) Arcturian Group, May 7, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/05/07/arcturian-group-message-through-marilyn-raffaele-for-may-7-2017/
(6) Ibid., March 12, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/03/12/arcturian-group-message-through-marilyn-raffaele-31217/
(7) I emphasize this because many times I’ve been asked when we’ll be able to manifest. After the realization of oneness, which I’d imagine corresponds to Ascension. Just a guess. Until then we pool and share.