Christmas and New Years for me are times of reflection….
May I allow the flow?
Whenever I’ve talked about what I enjoy about writing, I’ve left out the matter of my feelings.
One way I know that writing is my mission is that, when I lose myself in writing, I feel fulfilled.
Just think about that for a moment. I’d think feeling fulfilled a pretty good indicator that I’m doing what I came to do.
And here’s an interesting thing about feeling fulfilled or complete. As Andrew Cohen pointed out, bliss arises when we are and feel complete. (1) Now, our desires are not masking our true nature of bliss.
We often have it backwards and it stays that way, I imagine, for lifetime after lifetime. We think that buying the new Jaguar is going to do it for us. We think we feel blissful because we now have that Jag.
But it’s the cessation of the strong desire for the Jag which in actuality provides the necessary precondition for the experience of the bliss that was always there but bottled up, overruled, overwhelmed. Now bliss arises.
Since this is a time for reflection, here’s another interesting sidenote. I’ve been given numerous spiritual experiences to the Twelfth Dimension and beyond. The “beyond” experience was too brief to want to comment on. It was wonderful but it may as well have been a sudden flash. I made note of it but don’t talk about it very much.
But the other experiences have been like a ladder – again many of them toned down or truncated (missing an ingredient; usually bliss). Love, bliss, ecstasy – that was the ladder that was offered to me by my spiritual guidance on the other side.
As a result of these experiences, I suspect that we may misunderstand the heart. Please understand that I’m not talking about the heart chakra, although it plays a role, just as a light switch plays a role in lighting the room but is not the light bulb itself.
But the heart itself, that pinprick of light from beyond and behind the closed heart door or hridayam. It’s actually in my experience a door onto other dimensions.
During the year (2015) of my heart opening’s duration, I found myself first in a river of love, next in an Ocean of Love, later in bliss, then ecstasy – and these latter two were clearly not either Third or Fourth Dimensional experiences.
I’ve quoted before the conversation I had with Michael about what dimensions they were, all reached through the portal of the heart. I’ll give it again here:
Steve: The space that I call transformative love [in the heart opening], what dimension is it?
Archangel Michael: It is the seventh dimension.
Steve: Then what dimension is bliss?
AAM: It is between eight and nine.
Steve: And ecstasy?
AAM: Twelfth.
Steve: And what about exaltation?
AAM: Then you have moved beyond. (2)
I haven’t seen, in the literature of classical enlightenment theory, the idea of the heart as an interdimensional portal. It may be there and I just didn’t see it when I was studying enlightenment.
To bring us back to my original point – and this reflection has been refreshing – I know when I’m carrying out activities aligned with my soul contract because I feel wonderful doing them. Writing is a prime example. If I were on holiday, I’d be writing.
By writing, I include research, organizing files, and other ancillary activities. A painter is not always painting. I’m as happy organizing my files as I am actually tapping on the keyboard.
I feel blissful when it’s quiet all around me, at 5 in the morning, and I feel the energy build which tells me this is a time for writing.
My notion of that is that Michael is settling me down, making me receptive to ideas. He tells me:
Archangel Michael: If we did not speak for a thousand years, … you would know, not think, not feel, but know that I am right next to you. Sometimes I am typing. Sometimes I am moving your pen. Always I am whispering in your ear. (3)
He plays me like a piano. And I get to listen to what’s produced along with everyone else.
(1) Andrew Cohen, The Promise of Perfection. Lenox, MA.
(2) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 20, 2016. (Hereafter AAM.)
(3) AAM, Nov. 21, 2012.