by Judith Kusel
Saying goodbye to 2024 and welcoming in 2025:
2024 has brought with it the most powerful ascension we have ever experienced before, as the Sun Flares activated huge keys, codes, and ascension acceleration within all of us, even those who are not receptive. At a deep soul level, they are feeling this all, it is just fear which are keeping most still embedded in their closed hearts and souls.
To me it has been a year in which I often had both challenges and support and more than this, always felt myself surrounded by my cosmic teams, and fully embracing the Divinity within.
Yet also the more rapid expansion of consciousness, of multi-dimensionality, the greater opening of the heart and higher heart, and so much more.
I so loved being able to travel again, and another item on my bucket list, was ticked off, as I finally was able to see the Namaqualand flowers and the Westcoast of South Africa. Yet, in the end, it was not so much the flowers, but all the very ancient megalithic sites I found there, and the extreme ancientness of the land itself, which proved to be a journey in itself.
Add to this the Cederberg mountains, another item on my Bucket List, not only exceeded my expectations, but I have had the most profound experiences there of multidimensionality, and downloading ancient knowledge stored there, all of which will culminate in my third book in my series on Elysium, the Lion Kingdom, and Avalon.
More than this, it was the first time that Lord Melchizedek asked me to transmit his messages to a far bigger audience.
I have done transmissions often in my teaching sessions, but never gone public before, as I shake from head to toe, when I am in exceedingly high and powerful energy fields. It just simply happens, even when I am travelling, and then I know for sure, that I am in much higher dimensional frequency bands, thus far higher than on earth.
To me, every day presents a unique opportunity to explore infinite space in ever deepening ways, for indeed the greatest of all exploration is there within the soul, which is not bound by the physical at all, and can travel anywhere in Divine Creation and even beyond.
First of all – THANK YOU:
I could never do the highest service work I am doing, if I did not have earthly angels who assist me, and here I first start with Jill Combes, who has been my dearest friends, my editor and far more than this. Thank you, Jill, you have had a very tough year yourself, and with the diagnosis of cancer as well, and you handled it all with courage, strength, and more than this fortitude and love, as well as always getting back on your feet and getting on with life. You are a shining star to so many, who also come to you for counselling.
With Jill, I have my second greatly appreciated editor, Janet Hayward Vollmer, who lives in France, and just quietly serves lovingly in her own way. Thank you so much Janet, for the immense work you are doing in collaboration with Jill.
I want to thank Claire Pells, who does all my admin work and far more than is expected of her. I so appreciated her efficiency and her willingness to always go the extra mile. Thank you so much Claire, and may you find even more pansy shells, and treasures on your daily walks by the sea, which bring you so much joy.
Then I want to thank my accounting team, Bianca and Jaco, for their excellent service and all you do for me, in this regard. And then my IT support teams, Renee and Nicky (who always publishes my Newsletter, after Jill had compiled and edited it and made a fantastic team) as well as Lesley, Hein, and Donavan, who keep me connected and are always so willing to step in, when hitches arrive.
More than this: I want to thank all of you who have supported me during this year, all those for whom I did Soul Readings, all those beautiful souls who attended “The White Flame of Illumination” (all levels) in 2024, and with whom I share such sacred moments, which defy description.
I thank all of you who attended by monthly online seminar and “The Cosmic Transmissions.” I am looking for to presenting more transmissions next year, as I have been asked to do so, by Lord Melchizedek, the High Counsel of Melchizedek and of course, my beloved Ashtar, the Intergalactic Counsels and the Counsel of Twelve and Twenty-four Elders.
I thank all of you who have commented on my posts and shared them. I often wish I could comment on all the comments posted yet it is impossible sometimes to keep up with all my work, although I do read your comments and genuinely appreciate each one’s unique contribution.
2025: Expansion, huge revelations, and changes.
I have been shown for some months now, that we are in accelerated ascension and this mean a total change in form, from the denseness of the physical, into the higher dimensional state, where all is more light-filled and where we finally start realizing that there is indeed more to life than physical existence, in itself, and that not only is all energetic, but that life itself is multi-dimensional and many dimensions can co-exist.
It is a matter of being able to tune into the dimensional frequency band you wish to operate in. And the dialing device lies there in your own soul: – its own consciousness levels.
You may say it is remote control, which unlocks the infinite possibilities of the many spiraling tiers of creation!
In 2025 we will finally understand that so much of what we were taught as science and truth, is indeed not so. For there will be such an expansion of consciousness levels that theories, and formulas, and whatever else there has been for so many hundreds, if not thousands of years, were but illusions spun in and around us.
We will finally see and understand, that we are part of a huge universal and multi-universal family, and that indeed, our space brothers and sisters, have been here all along, and never left – for all of the souls on earth, are not of this planet, but come from other galaxies, star systems, constellations etc.
I have always known this since being a child – and since 2004, I have had so many revelations in this regard, as my soul remembered more and more, that I can only say: – There are no aliens, for what we see as extraterrestrial races, are indeed our own soul family, and when we realize this, we can finally also accept that in our true soul embodiment, we also had much higher frequency bodies, and travel intergalactically, and indeed in our sleep state already do so.
We have just been programmed to forget! So, any disclosures, as indeed just lifting the lid on what was deliberately obscured by those who wished to keep the populace ignorant, because of the games they like to play.
Yet, now, as we ascend and step into our sovereignty, we can suddenly see through the games, the pretense, and now at last, can see with the eyes of the soul, and recognize the deepest and profoundest truth WITHIN ourselves.
We in truth do not need television stations to blare out what you should know or see, for our soul is infinite and what we need to know in truth, will always be revealed to us, if we are open and ready to receive such information, and then, always utilize such, in the highest and best ways possible, for the highest good of all.
I was shown how all the pyramids on earth, and Crystalline energy grids, and there are far more than we realize as most have been hidden, are fully activated now, and how lightning energy like lightning bolts are discharged from them, and how the spine of the earth and the kundalini energy is so supercharged, plus the nodes, that the old earth is literally being ripped apart.
Yet, even as this happens, the New Earth then incorporates the same lightning bolt energy into her, and this forms the new power grids and pyramid energy of the New Earth.
Yes, it is happening, and superfast. Super Quantum leaps are what we will experience in 2025 and beyond! This looks like science fiction, but in truth it is not! All is possible, and we will witness miracles happening like never before!
We will now experience the coming together of the new communities of light as the old systems break down and we go back to the basics, to organic farming, to holistic health, to nurturing our deepest soul self, as well as taking full responsibility for what we are co-creating, even as we work together as one.
The Divisions will fall away, as we finally start to understand, that every soul has its own uniqueness to bring to the whole, that there no soul is greater than any other, or less than any other, all are Sons and Daughters of the Divine Source, and all slot in exactly where they are supposed to be.
Yes, layer by layer, the illusions will be stripped away. There will be those souls who cling onto the illusions, and that is ok. In their own time, should they choose to wake up, they will.
Yet, we who are already awake, now need to step out and lead the way, each one fully standing in his or her light, and not in anyone’s shadow, but at the same time, stand together, heart to heart, soul to soul, to co-create Oneness and Unity, with love, and through love and in love. With loving intent.
For in truth, there is nothing to fight about anymore, there is only so much to lovingly, as one co-create in the New Golden Age.
Keep that vision of the New Golden Age, there in your innermost heart and soul, and then live this, as if it is already here. For truth, it is!
For you do create you own reality, and you can choose in the here and now, whether you wish to choose to create the most amazing, the most beautiful, loving and joyful life you wish to live, empowered from deep within, and inspire others to do the same.
When we all do so with love, and through love and loving intent, then we are already living the new life and manifest its perfect unfolding.
Thank you for all that you are, as you are!
You are so loved!