I’d like to continue our conversation about lightworker leadership.
I’m not going to try to restrict myself with a preconceived plan or order. I’d just like to begin and go where I’m led or where I lead me.
“The time for making important decisions has arrived,” Mike Quinsey’s source tells us. (1)
What important decisions?
Well, we’re at the beginning stages of the Accountability phase of Ascension, the end of the worldwide grip on power by forces who worship darkness, for starters.
There will be a leadership vacuum that beckons to lightworkers to fill.
Accountability is not something that’s accomplished over a weekend; it also isn’t a stay-tuned, weekly serial, like the Junior G-Man serials I was raised on as a kid. It’s a global, legal process. I think we’ll be proud of almost all the results. (2)
But we won’t escape the effects. As lightworker leaders, local or global, we’ll be looked to for reassurance and informed commentary.
The start of the flood of prosperity on the planet probably awaits Deep-State leading actors being rounded up. When it comes, Abundance means more important decisions for lightworker financial stewards.
And then there are the Delegations, probably coming behind these two. More important decisions.
Mike continues:
“You must find your way out of the mess that you are in as a Human Race.” (3)
Yes, even though we probably don’t have the conception of ourselves as a “world” yet, at some point we’ll need to accept responsibility for the state of it and begin the clean-up and reconstruction. Or in the case of the human community or “world,” begin the healing and reconciliation.
Adamu pointed to this when he made his distinction between “self-responsible” and “other-responsible.” (4)
Mike reminds us that the younger generation has come at this time to lead.
“There are new people ready to assume positions of importance with the foresight to set you upon the right path. …
“These are the times that so many souls have been waiting for as they are already primed for the work to be carried out.
“Realise that age is not an important factor in this present time and that the souls making up the ‘new forces for good’ are those of more recent incarnations [i.e., younger generation].
“They are those Lightworkers working on your behalf who have been preparing you for this time that is the most important period yet, as it leads to your fulfillment [and] directly to Ascension.” (5)
In many areas, our gift may ultimately be our willingness to pass the baton. I’d better start practising.
On another occasion, Mike makes this suggestion:
“Identify with those souls who by their work can be seen as of the Light and follow their advice or teachings when you need help. At this time many souls are being used to spread the Light and Love. With your experience you should be able to identify those who are teachers for the New Age.” (6)
Lightworkers are stepping forward. I just happened the other day to trip over a book a reader wrote who, in it, is celebrating his experience of enlightenment. (7) One baton for that gentleman, please.
How I wish that was my path this lifetime. But, alas, I serve.
Initially then, in our conversation, the time approaches for us who are servants (not, specifically, the honorable seekers of the Light) to make important decisions.
No, I don’t mean next week. It may not even be this month. These events roll out more slowly than we’d like. But they do roll out.
But soon-ish, the time for making important decisions will face us. Implicit in Mike’s observation is the encouragement to prepare. (8)
Changes in us also take time, as you can see from the awareness sharing on this blog.
The processing we do to eradicate whatever vasanas (issues) we can and the abandonment of unproductive, habitual patterns of behavior is, in my view, how we prepare.
(1) Mike Quinsey’s Higher-Self Message, Aug. 2, 2019, at at https://www.treeofthegoldenlight.com/First_Contact/Channeled_Messages_by_Mike_Quinsey.htm.
(2) I don’t think perfect results should be expected when we deal with human/global matters. Not yet, anyways. In the Fifth Dimension, yes.
(3) Loc. cit.
(4) Suzi Maresca, “Notes on Adamu Speaks ~ Timelines… and the Dissolution of the illuminati!” August 13, 2019, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/08/13/notes-on-adamu-speaks-timelines-and-the-dissolution-of-the-illuminati/
(5) Mike Quinsey’s Higher-Self Message, Aug. 2, 2019.
(6) Ibid., Sept. 16, 2016
(7) Nice work, Neal! Not saying reading the blog had anything to do with it! Just how I became aware of your book.
Neal J. Yohas, High Low Cry Know. httpss://www.amazon.com/High-Low-Know-Neal-Yohas/dp/1452586047#reader_1452586047
(8) As it was explicit in Blossom’s channeling of the Federation of Light this past July:
“Energies rolling in shall continue to flow, filtering through now … to lift you up … build you up … and pave the way. …
“Our words to you would be PREPARE! PREPARE! PREPARE! …
“For THE CHANGE … [is] just around the corner. …
“The Force of Great Light shall be with Each One as you prepare your Beings for that which you have been waiting for, for so long.” (The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild, July 7, 2019, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2019/07/07/the-federation-of-light-through-blossom-goodchild-july-7-2019/.)