(Continued from Part 2/3.)
Back to the question of whether to pay attention to what’s happening here or not to…. It’s a totally individual choice.
I delve as deeply as I want to, and sometimes further than I want when a picture pops up that I wish I never saw.
We seem to be growing in both awareness and sensitivity as all the nastiness is being exposed. There are actually people who participate in harmful and destructive occult practices that anyone else would find absolutely repulsive and beyond imagining.
No sense in denying it, but one needn’t dive into that dark pool to simply know that it’s one of the powers in play on our planet.
Even though we know that these exposures are vital to the generating of a resounding collective, “NO!”, it can be shattering to learn of what’s been taking place for much of Earth’s history. That such things occur at all in our world just makes my daughter and I want to get the heck out of Dodge.
We all do need to keep in mind, though, that this is our world. We’re taking it back Now, and our Light is needed here more than ever. This stuff has almost always been going on…it’s just Now that we get to address it and be the Warriors of Light that we came here to be.
And my wise offspring also made a point to say that in this world of duality, the fact that the darkest of evil exists here also means that the Lightest and most Divine does as well. That would be All of Us, and more…
The key to being in both worlds for me is to be both a participant and observer of what’s going on, and also to embrace the fact that I specifically came back to the planet this time around to help with the Ascension process.
Information like this, for me, has come in as guidance received over time as a result of a committed daily practice of stillness and meditation.
If we take in troubling information and find that it brings us to keep on chewing and stewing on it, it’s best to take notice of that and realize that at some point, our powerful emotions will start feeding the negativity.
We can allow whatever feelings to come up and then let them pass…not to dwell there for long. Which brings us then to clearing ourselves after a dive into being upset over whatever. There’s loads of information about doing that which is available online, but I have a personal share….
Funny story ~ My 85-year-old Dad was ready to leave his toxic marriage, and my two sisters and I spent August and September of that year extricating him and a hoarded lifetime collection from his home of 30 years.
His marital relationship wasn’t the only toxic thing around to clear up, and we ended up using gas masks to work inside the house to keep from getting sick.
It was dirty, smelly work, and an hour’s drive twice each day. By the time we got back to my house at the end of every sweaty, awful workday…we well and truly were in need of an attitude adjustment.
I’d seen a YouTube video of a lovely young woman suggesting a few different ways to raise one’s frequency. The tips I remembered about it at the time were to laugh a lot, move the body or go outside.
Our need was great, so we decided to do all three by going out on the back deck and doing jumping jacks while forcing ourselves to laugh! You can imagine we didn’t have to force it for long… the entire load of tension built up from a tough and dirty day just dissolved in our mirthful giggling. And so we discovered ~
Joy is the antidote to whatever this world can dish out!
Smudging helps, too.