Where do we hear that there’ll be a heart opening for the planet? The Divine Mother announced it in 2017.
Divine Mother: Your hearts, your love, your ecstasy, your minds, your physical bodies. You feel – because you are sensitives – that you in many ways are exploding. Do not try. Do not even think or consider tamping it down. …
Steve: Have you described a heart opening and, if you have described a heart opening, is that what’s in store for us during this time of the Emerald Gateway – specifically the solar eclipse?
DM: You have it backwards, son. …
You all love your signs and you pray and you beg and you plead for signs. And you are most certainly being given tangible signs. …
[But] a solar eclipse does not create a heart opening. It is a symbol of the heart opening. So the heart opening is already underway [Steve: but gradual]. …
Steve: But Mother, you used the word exploding. That is why I am commenting. Because, of course, the heart opening that I had March 2015, was explosive.
DM: It is explosive. It is implosive.
Steve: Yes. Should I be writing on what to expect? That your heart could feel like it is exploding?
DM: Yes. (1)
OK, I’m doing it.
Have we any descriptions of heart openings among the ancient sages?
Yes, we do. Sri Shankara describes what happens in a heart opening. I’ve talked about being swept away in an inner tsunami of love, ending up drowned in an Ocean of Love. He describes it this way:
“What happens in this seeing, even as you look at your beloved master [Krishna in this case], at your godhead, the opening begins to occur in your heart. It is similar to being flooded. So when you are being flooded, you do not simply say, ‘Oh, my goodness! My toe is wet!’ You look around, and the whole room is flooded.
“So you may think of it as a monsoon of love. And everywhere you walk there will be love, and you will be able to see, because that is how powerful it will be. There will be no capacity for denial of this.” (2)
And contemporary accounts? Yes, Bright Star has give us his account, again the same features.
“I was in my office, sitting at my computer, when I felt the energy rising: Firstly, I felt a prickling in my legs, which went up over my back along the spine up to my forehead. It was very pleasant and I relaxed. Suddenly, my root chakra opened up and the energy flowed from there to every chakra in my body, connecting all of them and let them pulsate.
“My whole body was filled with a bright golden light that emanated like flames from every part of my body. The energy went up into my crown chakra and there was a strong connection between my third eye and the back of my head.
“I felt every atom of my body, was connected with everything that is, was melting with the Universe. I was part of All That Is. At this moment, I felt a bit dizzy but the feeling was so very comfortable that I just let the process flow and did not have any concerns. Until the next thing happened…
“Suddenly, my heart opened up and by this, I mean it was like my heart exploded. My heart was flooded with an immense wave of light, a golden bright light that I can simply not describe. But I’ll try my best to do it nonetheless.
“ I instantly felt that now, the Tsunami of Love hits my heart and firstly, I was so concerned about this strong feeling in my heart, that I thought I am having a heart attack. …
“The Tsunami of Love hit me so hard that in the same second, all my concerns, anger, distress, hate and all other unpleasant feelings, which bothered me for such a very long time, were washed away completely.
All these feelings were replaced by pure Love and for the first time ever in my 45 years, I experienced Love in its purest form. The Tsunami of Love was a complete cleaning of my “system.” A resetting of my being. After an hour or so, The Tsunami of Love levelled out, leaving me in total peace and Love.” (3)
Michael too described what I experienced as an inner tsunami:
Archangel Michael: Think of it literally as the internal tsunami, beloved brother, that you experienced.
Steve: Yes.
AAM: When the tsunami occurs, the tiny flecks of debris are swept away.
Steve: Yes, yes, absolutely. (4)
Please note that what occurred for Bright Star has nothing to do with an attitude of being “open-hearted.” They’re two separate things.
A heart opening such as this is the first stage of enlightenment. It occurs when the kundalini, shakti, or divine energy reaches the fourth or heart chakra.
There are more stages to go after that, as the Divine Mother implies in telling Bright Star he has passed the first gate to Ascension:
“Your ascension is not being postponed. You have had your initial heart opening. You have been doing your work. You have been looking at the chaos and understanding. Not engaging with the chaos with anger, fear, and outrage but simply observing, understanding that this has been part of the human tragedy but not fully engaged in it. So yes, you are ready, Sweet One.” (5)
Elsewhere she calls these further stages “jumps.”
Divine Mother: It occurs with a more gradual awakening and lifting up. So there is the abrupt “I am not the same,” then there is the working and the anchoring, the integration, then there is another jump, and another jump, and another jump. And you don’t know it — well, some of you do — but you are leap-frogging. And then you will be there.
Steve: Now, are those jumps equivalent to sub-planes?
DM: You can think of them as sub-planes, dimensional sub-planes, yes. (6)
Wonderful for us, these higher-level enlightenments spell the end for negativity, as Matthew Ward tells us:
“It can be no other way – simply, [because] this is the physics that governs life in this universe. As Earth continues apace into successively higher planes, nothing with low vibrations in any form – physical bodies, subversive plans, theft, dishonesty, unjust laws and imprisonment, bigotry, cruel customs and deeds – can survive.” (7)
The falling away of darkness may not be discernible to us. We may only notice the explosion and then assimilation of love that takes place, while the darkness may simply fall away. We’ll have to wait and see. Immersed in an Ocean of Love … we’ll probably forget every reason to look.
(1) “The Mother Promises a Massive Heart Opening – Part 2/2,” September 6, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2017/09/06/the-mother-promises-a-massive-heart-opening-part-22/
(2) Sri Shankara: Everywhere You Look Will be a Monsoon of Love, June 26, 2013, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2013/06/26/sri-shankara-everywhere-you-look-will-be-a-monsoon-of-love/.
(3) “Bright Star: An Account of a Heart Opening,” December 29, 2017, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=291639.
(4) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Match 28, 2019.
(5) The Divine Mother in a personal reading with Bright Star through Linda Dillon on Jan. 29, 2019.
(6) “The Divine Mother: We are Creating a New Species of Humans,” channeled by Linda Dillon, July 10, 2014, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/07/12/the-divine-mother-we-are-creating-a-new-species-of-humans/.
(7) Matthew’s Message, Mar. 1, 2012, at https://www.matthewbooks.com/mattsmessage.htm.
Further Reading
Planetary Heart Opening