Steve has kindly said “Yes” again to me writing a request for more financial assistance.
Thank you so much to those of you subscribing to me already. I so appreciate your support.
In May 2014, I asked Archangel Michael for advice with wording for a request.
I find that his words spoken then, which I reproduce below, are even more relevant today.
He said we excel in receiving the energy, in accepting the energetic gifts that are being sent to us and the tools that are being shared with us from the Mother, from him, from our star brothers and sisters and so on, but we are not always as comfortable to receive in physical reality.
I can attest to this. It can feel embarrassing to ask for money.
With my upbringing, I was taught I was perfectly capable of taking care of my self, financially and otherwise.
So up comes “I’m not good enough” and “I’m not approved of” upon writing a request for help to continue my spiritual work.
Here’s what Archangel Michael said in 2014:
“My beloved friends and brethren, I turn to you as you have turned to me, in times of joy, in times of peace, in times of plenty and in times of need.
“You are in the time of all of these qualities and you are at a point of shifting to a higher dimension, a higher realm and laying down new form, new paradigm, new form of existence of what it means to be human.
“You are returning to the original plan, to the Plan of the Divine Mother, of being sheer energy, angelics in form, and creating and co-creating, above and below and in between.
“What does creation entail? And what does this blog teach thee?
“Balance. For it is in the balance that you discover the truth and the peace and the Wholeness of Who You Are.
“The balance, my beloved ones, is in the give and in the receive.
“All of you, each and everyone of you who read this statement have opened your hearts long ago and you give with the truth of Love, without reserve, without condition.
“You give with and from your heart because you desire to but it is not only in the giving that the balance is achieved, it is also in the learning to receive and to receive in a wide variety of ways:
“Love, peace, abundance, money, support, kinship, Divine Intervention, guidance, all of the Divine Qualities.
“Now you are good, in fact you are excelling in receiving the energy from the Mother, in accepting the gifts that are being sent to you and the tools that are being shared with you from the Mother, from me, from your star brothers and sisters, and so on.
“You are not always as comfortable in receiving in physical reality.
“Now you say to me, Lord, we are ready and you have persisted in your efforts to allow, yes, allow the various prosperity programs to flow freely.
“Do not stop that work. It is critical and crucial and necessary but it is not an either/or. It is not duality or polarity.
“Understand that sharing and abundance comes in many forms so open your hearts, sweet angels not only to give but to receive and know that there is blessing in both.
“Go with my Love.”
If this little note for a small monthly subscription or a donation resonates with you, I am gratefully open to receive.
I let go, forgive myself for the feelings of less than, for the lack of self-worth, and open to receive from my community.
It is my joy to be serving the Mother and working for Steve and Archangel Michael’s platform, this wonderful blog that inspires us to be the balance.
A request for help
a few dollars a month
in the form of a subscription or a donation.
Thank you so much
if this is something you feel called to do.
All assistance welcome, from energetic to monetary.
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