How do I feel when I get sick?
Uncomfortable physical pain, hot and cold. . .
With a severe illness the physical pain can be intense.
I feel physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually not in right alignment.
In the higher realms there’s no physical illness.
Is there a connection between lack of forgiveness and illness?
Recently, I was ill, so ill I found myself at a clinic begging for antibiotics to relieve the pain of a bladder infection.
Illness, dis-ease can be a blessing, a time to lie still, review things, and to ask,
“How is this pain connected to the past?”
Images that don’t necessarily pop up
in everyday meditation can come.
Consciously aware of the pain
we can go deeper into forgiveness.
“How is this pain connected to the past?”
As the images arise:
“I forgive myself for not expressing
experiencing myself as Divine.
“I forgive myself for my feelings.”
I Love and reassure my self and I heal.