Written before coming across the Divine Mother’s comments on the Reval. Going higher or deeper is still germane.
I’ve been asking myself what did not resonate with me about the way I’m discussing the need to raise our vibrations?
And I just saw it.
I don’t think in terms of higher dimensions and higher spaces. My favored metaphor is going deeper.
The moment I switched metaphors I began to feel bliss arising – I’d removed a barrier.
Higher and deeper are both the same in that both produce the same result: A higher vibration.
I’ve been wanting to go deeper for months if not years (and this is where I’m about to bring in some of the strands that have come together). (1) But either my experiences have been truncated or I’ve been asked to wait.
I now have a wholly-legitimate basis for asking for more Light now – it’ll raise my vibration and hopefully the collective’s.
So I’m shouting hallelujah at being told to get moving. I’d love to.
Here’s a strand coming together: This is eminently doable. I love things like silence. I’ve been wondering when I’d have time to meditate. And here I’ve just been given carte blanche to do these things.
Here’s another: I don’t think any of us have taken our roles in the Reval or Ascension as seriously as we might. I know I haven’t.
I thought that one day the announcement would come and I’d fall into possession of a treasure that Midas would have died for and that would be that. There’d be little or nothing for me to do but get myself to the exchange.
And now I know.
I’ve stopped watching which national or financial leader said what. I don’t care what anniversary, celestial alignment, or numerological event is approaching, or whose New Year it is. I’m looking to my vibration; that is, I’m going deeper.
This gives me full permission to return to an open heart. For a person who’s hung out in the higher realms (in 2015), that means a return to Shangri-La. To the inner tsunami and the shores of the ocean of love. Surf’s up!
I can say this from experience: When we reach the place of transformative, real, true love, (2) we’ll be so happy we made it. The reward will be instantaneous and complete.
All our exertions will have been worth it; all our stress and fatigue will fall away within … seconds? minutes? Everything we experience then will make the trials of a lifetime worthwhile.
It isn’t as if Michael is asking us for something awful.
He’s asking us to let go of the old Third by forgiving everything, starting with ourselves. That would only be hard if we were resisting it.
He’s asking us to take hold of the Fifth by thinking, feeling, and acting from our highest motives and visions. That brings our vibrations more into alignment with those in the realm of transformative love.
Here’s another strand: What he wants from us is what I want to give him. Complete surrender to the higher ways of being, the higher state of being. Heavens, yes. We have the basis for a good exchange here.
Remember Shankara saying (and I paraphrase) that a heart opening changes life from being a courtroom to being a gymnasium? (3)
Well, an invitation from an archangel to expand my beingness and raise my vibration is, for me, an invitation not to be missed. That’d transform a gymnasium into paradise.
How many of earlier generations have been all but herded by an archangel towards spiritual unfoldment?
How many have seen an archangel all but pushing them on board the train?
(1) See “Catch 22 or Accurate Statement? – Part 1/2,”
(2) What Ashira was speaking of here:
“It’s a Love vibration. Now I don’t mean romantic love, or even familiar love. But there does need to be a vibration of Love that is high enough so that we can meet in the middle.” (“Transcript: Heavenly Blessings ~ Commander Ashira with an Update,” channeled by Linda Dillon, March 11, 2014, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/03/transcript-heavenly-blessings-commander-ashira-with-an-update-march-11-2014/.)
That is, in my opinion, exactly Michael and the Mother are asking.
(3) “Once we become conscious, even dimly, of the Atman [the Self], the Reality within us, the world takes on a very different aspect. It is no longer a court of justice but a kind of gymnasium.” (Shankara in Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher lsherwood, Shankara’s Crest-Jewel of Discrimination. Hollywood: Vedanta Press, 1975; c1947, 24.)
In my view, a fourth-chakra experience or heart opening is becoming dimly conscious of the Self.