Go Fund Me link: httpss://www.gofundme.com/help-wes-amp-his-family-get-a-new-roof
My PayPal account is [email protected].
See also: Important: Note from Wes – My Breaking Point
For anyone who can help – our roof is badly damaged and in need of replacement. It is sagging in some areas, and in some rooms of the house, the ceiling has visible water damage.
One roofing company estimated that it will cost at least $5,000 to fix, but it could cost more if the roofers discover more damage.
Here are some pictures of the damaged, sagging areas of the roof as well as a photo of water damage in the ceiling in one of our rooms.
We currently have no money for repairs, and so I’ve set up a Go Fund Me page with a goal of $6,000.
We need to raise the money for this ASAP, as the damage is getting worse. We hope to replace the roof this winter.
If you enjoy my writings and want to help ensure I can continue to write full-time, please donate to the emergency fund we are raising via Go Fund Me. You can also donate via PayPal. My account is [email protected]..
This is our last chance to raise money for the new roof we desperately need and we will greatly appreciate anything you can give.
We would also appreciate if you can share our Go Fund Me page on your social media. The more people who share it, the more who will see it and the more who can potentially help.
Thank you all, and much love.
Wes Annac & family 🙂