Image Credit: Trinidad Guardian https://ftp.guardian.co.tt/news/2017-06-20/brace-more-floods
Approximately two weeks ago, Trinidad & Tobago experienced torrential rainfall which precipitated one of the worst flooding episodes in modern history for the country. Some parts of the island came under 7 feet of water, with many people losing everything. These stories I have reported on previously.
Yet, the upside to this national disaster was the unprecedented level of grassroots support that emerged in response to the crisis. Nearly every temple, mosque, church, and school took steps to garner relief for the flood victims, not to mention the corporate sector who handsomely chipped in.
But what was truly remarkable were the individuals who stepped up. Many families took it upon themselves to act independently of any organisation to get help on the ground. People self-organised to cater food in hundreds of boxes each day to send for the flood victims. People emptied their houses of everything they could think of to freely give to those in need.
This was truly a nation coming together in community- come-in-unity. No one seemed to wait for official, or governmental, or NGO guidance or directives. People saw a need and they acted.
This would certainly have been the intent of Gaia, Mother Earth, as she cleansed herself in this part of the world. As I would have predicted and spoken about previously, this flooding was a major cleansing as part of Earth’s overall Ascension process.
There is nothing to bring people together as a time of crisis. Here we see ordinary folk becoming heroes. In my view, it is through crises that heroes are born. This time, there were many heroes. Everyone took the time to offer something in this time of national need.
In giving of themselves so freely, many people would have benefited by finding something new and unexpected in themselves – a hitherto undiscovered passion about selfless service. This is a major part of the Ascension process – the move from self-centred service to selfless service.
This rings true for me as well. Even though I serve in other areas, this type of service was new to me. The magnitude and urgency of it was both exhilarating and humbling. On the ground, I felt the passion of the helpers, the woes of the victims. It was a time that brought the focus back on the true meaning of what it means to be human, to be your brother’s keeper.
I’m proud of my countrymen of Trinidad & Tobago. Trinidad & Tobago has been gently cleansed by Mother Earth. Despite this national disaster there were no casualties or fatalities. Throughout this week there were also no fewer than 6 strong earthquakes, most of them of magnitude 4.0 or higher. Yet, again there were neither casualties nor reports of structural damage.
Let’s continue to work together at the grassroots level, where every creed and race find an equal place. Let’s continue to build a true community where we all “come-in-unity”.