Transcending the Code of Separation
This Sunday, September 9
These are high frequency energetic transferences that deliver initiation, activation and light encodement. They are empowered by Divine Presence together with the resonant group harmonic and our unified intention.
All sessions come with discourses plus a transmission recording, delivered after the session.
September Session Preview:
SUMMARY OF FOCUS ~ We already are self-realized, liberated and free. It is only the ‘programming’ held within the consciousness that keeps us blinded to this truth.
It is this tenacious program that receives great recalibration during this session of Empowerment.
We are walking hand in hand down a golden pathway to light up and dissolve the duality within.
The single most influential perception that encodes humanity into so much turmoil is the thinking that we are separate from each other.
This belief, together with all of its related wounding, is what keeps humanity locked up inside a jailhouse of conflict.
No matter where we live, all we have to do is turn on the news and this reflection of our conflicted nature is very clear. As collective humanity, we have created this illusion and now must un-create it for the very survival of our race.
To do this, we must step outside of the box and outside of the walls of divisive programming.
We must learn how to perceive from our interconnectivity. This means to formulate perceptions from the absolute totality of being. With many of us doing this at the same time, we can more quickly shift consensus reality.
It sure is easy to pledge allegiance to unity. The great challenge for us all, however, is that we are actually encoded to perceive from separation.
No matter how spiritual we are, that coding is so entrenched in our hard drive… especially in the shadows of the subconscious. It very often goes unnoticed.
Through this empowerment transmission, we are lighting up these shadows. We are going to trench up all the ways that we still respond in a divisive and judgemental way.