I’m learning lots about giving and receiving.
I’m seeing matters from the receiver’s end. It’s a view I tend to resist. And I know the reason.
My Dad’s gifts were always very conditional. He gave and then he’d make demands of me. Steve, why don’t you go into engineering? What? Where did that come from?
So I’m shy of, I don’t like, being on the receiving end. I have no problems with the giving end, as anyone who knows me knows. Well, maybe one or two vasanas.
But I tentatively let down my guard. I’ll see what happens with me on the receiving end.
My breathing actually becomes harder, my heart beats a little louder. I hear myself say I don’t look forward to this. I’m warding off – and thus attracting – conditional giving.
Nonetheless, once this is up to awareness, as if by magic, I can no longer run my racket. It gets harder to do so if I know what I’m doing.
I can now stop giving energy and attention to it and just let it drop. If it isn’t of love, Michael said, let it go.
Dropping it in turn is rewarded with wisps of transformative love. No longer resisting, I can recognize and acknowledge them. They grow within me, the reward for all my efforts.
If I were to generalize from what I’m learning, I’d say that we, while in the Third Dimension, have become lethargic. Catastrophe has been happening for so long at such a gradual pace that we’ve become numb to the suffering around us without realizing we have.
Homeless folks sleep in doorways. Black people are gunned down by police officers. Children are kidnapped and subjected to atrocious suffering. And all too often we do little or nothing. In my view, our hearts are certainly not as open as I can remember them being, say, in the 1970s.
And I understand why – from chemtrails to deep-state terrorism to financial enslavement. But whatever the cause, we remain lethargic as a society in the area of giving, sharing, and caring. We have to prime the pump if we want to get the love flowing again – to come alive again. Giving is a good way of doing that.
Using various people, who’ve agreed to serve in this capacity, as catalysts for an awakening of generosity makes perfect sense. I’d never have seen it unless I occupied this position myself but having done so, I do see the logic of it.
Don’t forget that Michael has said he could if he chose cause money to appear in my bank account or release funds from the St. Germaine World Trust. But he chooses to let matters proceed this way because, in my words, we need to stoke the fires of generosity.
Just as we need to strengthen the bonds of love in our global community. And strengthen the will to stop global crime and human-rights abuses. We need to exert ourselves in the process of reconstructing Gaian society. There’s actual work to do.
Moreover, the Golden Age of Gaia is not the only lightworker outlet that serves in this catalytic capacity. Other sites as well choose to rely on donations and serve this igniting function as well.
Off the top of my head, Wes Remal, Kauila, Children of the Sun, Sandra Walter, Marilyn Raffaele … they and more are all catalysts to ignite the fire of generosity in us. Then there are the plethora of worthy causes around hunger, homelessness, inequality, etc.
Even a mite to all of your favorites would be a vote of support. It says I’m here. I care about you. I support you. (1)
It doesn’t have to be money. Far better it be love. From love, everything else flows naturally anyways. If you have transformative love, you have it all. And you are it all. It’s the very love that unites.
But we need to know this as a society. One of the ways is to get the home fires burning again – the fires of generosity in the heart. Bonfires start small. The important thing is to ignite them, to get them burning. May the catalysts serve as the match.
(1) I can see Kathleen smiling at me saying this. Is this not what she was saying on the West Coast Express? And I was saying, no, no, don’t talk about subscriptions please.