Some days after the event, I continue to be amazed at discovering the transformative power of blessing.
I think this knowledge must have been known to all saints. But I’m guessing.
I’m surprised to find an area I’ve never given thought to.
The aspect of blessing that continues to fascinate me is the radical and almost instantaneous switch from being an old grumphead to being a sower of love, when I began to bless. The remarkable shift transfixes me.
Prior to that I’d waver back and forth between resenting and forgiving. Not an enjoyable space to be in. But I saw no escape.
I didn’t even recognize what was happening.
What inspired me to “bless” the distant relative woman whom I was having trouble forgiving?
The one clue I have is that I’d never think of blessing anyone. I was allowed to educate myself in the matter of religion.
The word “blessing” was only known to me as something Christians did or Hindus sought from their gurus. It meant nothing to me personally and I never thought about the matter. So I could not have been the source of it.
How does blessing turn a frog into a … human being?
Seeking an answer to this question, I check in with myself to see how I’m feeling. And I feel an undercurrent of grrrrrr’s. My energy at rest is negative, spoiling for a fight.
This negative energy is poles apart from the positive energy generated by blessing.
Not like I’d ever have seen that if I didn’t, out of the blue, start to practice blessing. At somebody’s inspiration.
In sum, I see that my energy at rest is negative, that of a grumpy old bag, and my energy when I bless is unusually high – loving and outflowing.
That’s the extent of my experiential data. But it did “fix” in me an experience of the difference between my ordinary feeling state and my feeling state when I bless.
What is it about blessing?
Is it the fact that we’re now aligned with the energy of God, who blesses all?
Kathleen once asked the Mother if she forgives everything and she replied that she does. (1) Only blessings flow from the Source. Now they flow from us too?
Blessing others, as much as appropriate, aligns us with the energy flow in the universe – and in the higher dimensions. We’re naturally fountains of love drawing on a never-empty artesian spring in our hearts. Our “system” is at last working as it should. Since the Central Sun is operating on exactly the same principles, as does the Mother herself, are we now truly coming into our divinity?
If blessings flow from us, are we now a fit channel for the divine to work through? I don’t know, but I think it may prove to be so.
What is it about blessing?
I must find out.
(1) K: You forgive everyone so we forgive everyone.
Divine Mother: That is correct. No matter how heinous the crime, the action, it is forgiven. (Divine Mother to Kathleen Mary Willis through Linda Dillon, April 25th 2015.)