What? No forensic examination? No retention of the evidence?
I need to vent today and tomorrow.
My excuse and justification is Archangel Michael saying there is a place for righteous anger:
“[Given] the attempts to destroy truth and the true nature of what is transpiring within the human collective and throughout the universe, there is a place for righteous anger, my friend.” (1)
I need to vent on what I consider to be two disgraces: the 9/11 coverup and pedophilia or child trafficking, exploitation, rape, torture, and murder.
Anyone who can’t hear my vent, or rant, please stop reading here and come back in two days. I’m about to blow. I can’t keep silent about these matters any longer.
Vent #1. 9/11
Will this be the year that the full truth of 9/11 is told?
How many of the 45,468 sealed indictments (2) relate to the events of Sept. 11, 2001?
That was the very day that NESARA was to be declared. Gold sat in trucks, if I recall correctly (best check all my facts; it’s been 17 years), ready to be deposited. That was the molten gold found flowing below the WTC, after all the rubble (evidence) was shipped to China? Molten from what? Fires that had gone out?
The headquarters for all NESARA transactions were located in one of the World Trade Center buildings – it may have been Building 7. The computers were in another building.
Building 7 housed the alphabet-agency offices that managed the 9/11 event. It also contained Mayor Rudy Giuliani’s emergency management center.
Strangely enough, Giuliani never went near the World Trade Center throughout the emergency that day. “Do you believe in coincidences?” Of what use was the emergency central? To plan 9/11?
The BBC reported on Building 7’s destruction perhaps a quarter hour before it went down. You can see the building behind the reporter. How bizarre is that?
Allegedly, no plane hit the World Trade Center. Major parts of any plane – like the wings and tail, for example – would have crumpled on the outside of the building, rather than entering it, and probably would have fallen to the street. The aluminum plane would not have gone through two sets of rugged steel girders and emerged out the other side.
Instead the plane slices through the steel girders as if they were butter.
Where shall we go next? Thermate? Who has thermate? The army, right?
Squibbs (explosions) on the sides of the building, like in a controlled demolition?
No plane hit Building 7, which pancaked from a one-floor fire, with firemen shooing people away beforehand saying “this building is coming down.” (3)
The impossible plane strike at the Pentagon which left no marks of the plane – but plenty of a missile. The bank of the plane being impossible for that type of passenger jet?
An example of the really well-done investigations being carried out these days
The bin Ladens being allowed to leave the country – the only plane that did. All the “terrorists” passports – one miraculously recovered at the WTC site, undamaged – none of which withstood investigation.
An invasion of Afghanistan already miraculously organized and enroute, ready to go in after President Bush signed the document which was already on his desk.
Or the unanimity of opinion – newsmakers, news reporters, and people on the street – that it was Al Qaida that did it, a “terrorist organization,” consistently stated by everyone from the get-go. How did they know? Men on the street?
Never mind the fact that the man supposed to be directing it from an Afghani cave (Osama bin Laden) was lying in a Rawalpindi hospital, having kidney dialysis, guarded by Pakistani soldiers. He died in 2002, not in 2011. (4)
Afganhi opium managed by the CIA. Iraqi oil brought under US domination. Iran – a bridge too far?
9/11 is definitely a bridge too far. Way, way too far.
Where do the discoveries, improbabilities, and contradictions lead?
It doesn’t take Q to connect the dots.
Stop. Stop this madness. Stop this cover-up.
The 9/11 false flag won the cabal perhaps ten years and then Hillary Clinton, the Clinton Foundation and the rest of the deep state created corruption on a scale the Bushes could only dream of.
Tomorrow I’ll be discussing one aspect of it that shows how far the cabal has gone in corrupting the nations – pedophilia.
As Q said, they were sure she’d win. And so they made mistakes, identified themselves and their pastimes, and left their own trail of breadcrumbs.
Their rickety house of deceptions seldom lasts more than a decade. They then need a new and stunning global event to cow the population into buckling under to them again. As have most populations since Genghis Khan when faced with a tyrannical regime.
But not this generation.
This generation has said in a variety of ways that it will not knuckle under to tyranny.
This generation intends to bring the criminality of the cabal to a halt. (5)
The problem is our voices so far have been separate. Unity has not been achieved.
Causes and movements flare up like the Occupy Movement, Arab Spring, #MeToo, and #Black Lives Matter, but they’re neither united nor coordinated.
Don’t look to me. I’m a writer. To unite them is someone else’s amazing and incredible mission. After the Reval, I’ll fund anyone to take it on.
But it needs to be done. Lightworkers of all shades and persuasions need to come together, however it’s arranged.
This 9/11, will you take the steps necessary to end the criminal activities of the cabal? We can do that by bringing lightworkers together in conference and coordinating our actions.
Make our wishes known for an end to the cabal’s domination of our lives. Let our words be felt in the collective consciousness. I’m led to believe that that frees a lot of hands to come to our aid. Those who are with us are stronger than those who are against us.
Make our “No!” be heard.
Further References
“9/11 Conspiracy Solved: Names, Connections, & Details Exposed!” at httpss://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_fp5kaVYhk
(1) Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, May 16, 2011.
(3) Larry Silverman later alleged that he told the fire chief to “pull it” because it was going to come down anyways. You can’t just “pull” a building. It takes days to rig it for demolition.
(4) As in “Death of Osama bin Laden,” Wikipedia, at httpss://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Osama_bin_Laden
(5) And to apologize to Muslims for having held them responsible all these years for something they played very little part in or none at all. See: