Archangel Michael joined us to discuss achieving collective unity on An Hour with an Angel today.
He suggested that many of us may think that such a thing is unreachable. But it is.
Is it a mighty task? Yes, he said. But one that he considers us completely capable of and up for.
Our work in past years creating sacred union has been stellar, he said. Now we are taking things to the next level.
Forgiving the past is a big part of achieving collective unity – forgiving ourselves and forgiving others.
Forgiveness does not mean blanket permission to do anything in the future or even to see each other or meet.
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Aligned action is holding the other person in deep reverence. It can be extended to holding the entire collective in deep reverence.
The entire Company of Heaven is in sacred union. It isn’t how they operate, but who they are.
We discussed the role of payoffs in holding resentment in place: We resent others because it feels good. The results are unfortunate and we try to minimize them while enjoying the feeling of resenting the other.
He compared resenting to wearing more and more coats in the summertime. At last it becomes unbearable.
It becomes unbearable after the passage of time, I suggested. The chickens come home to roost eventually but, while we’re younger, the future results of our resenting may not be as clear as they become when the chickens greet us when we’re older.
We discussed exactly what forgiveness was and what it was not.
He compared us lightworkers to the person in the orchestra who hits the tuning fork before the performance so that the various instruments can be brought into tune.
It was a rousing discussion. I feel clearer on forgiveness and more willing to let down my guard. lay down my burden, and forgive.