I have this tremendous sense of integration happening at the moment.
It’s like a sponge soaking up water. I’m soaking up parts of myself.
Some of them are past life; some are higher-dimensional.
It feels a lot like waking up, waking up to one’s Self.
It’s very gradual, almost unnoticeable. I noticed it because I’ve been working on my Michaelangelo Fund manual and it contains page after page of the most helpful conversations. These are assisting me to see myself. (1)
And I also see what blocks this integration process or any other spiritual process really.
Our limiting beliefs and negative emotions form a kind of inner fog that prevents us creating a sense of ourselves by reclaiming all parts of ourselves and “claiming” our authority. (2)
The negative emotions, I’m seeing at this moment, are subtle and ubiquitous, a universal and continuous backdrop to our lives.
The one I’m feeling right now is dismay. I’d never ordinarily be aware of it because I wouldn’t be looking for it.
But I get it experientially now.
This dismay that I feel – or any other strong, negative emotion – is indeed like an effective cloud or fog in the inner world that prevents me from experiencing and coming from my Self.
It’s this fog that I’m waking up from when I integrate my parts and “claim” my authority.
One of the features of whatever process that’s happening is that I actually do get a sense of “claiming” these parts of myself that are coming together, a sense of the act that the word “claiming” points to.
The will plays a central role in claiming. But nowadays it can’t work by forcing itself upon another. Force worked in the old Third, but it won’t work any longer.
It has to work by “moving” or “inspiring.” Again how do I describe that?
Imagine “taking a stand.” Try stamping your foot and saying “No!” Louder! That’s your will speaking – as force.
That same will has to inspire nowadays, rather than force.
Why it won’t work is probably the same as why shame turned out to be, for me, an empty shell, with no reality any longer.
The reality we’re in, which we may not have fully allowed ourselves to experience yet, does not support shame or force. The Arcturian Group said the other day:
“The energy and resulting false powers of the third dimension are beginning to dissolve into the nothingness that they really are because their substance (beliefs), that which holds them in place, is disappearing as more and more people awaken.” (3)
That’s true for me.
“Shame” was an empty shell; the Arcturian Group tells us that “force” will soon turn out to be the same.
“People, places, and things will no longer carry the resonance of ‘power over’ as in the past for the false energy of those forms will cease being created through mankind’s awakening.” (4)
It’s our beliefs and feelings that wall us off from experiencing that new reality.
When I peeked through shame, it was rather like seeing the Wizard of Oz – an old, decrepit man – behind the curtain. There was no reality to this seemingly-real emotion. Nor will there be in the near future to the forceful will.
The inspiring will, yes – that will plays a big role in “claiming” my authority. That will, that aspect of ourselves, does the claiming.
Now imagine that same will speaking – I often call this “Big Steve” – (4) but in gentler, inspiring tones. That’s the one who “claims” authority.
When I am gathered unto myself, I’m able to claim my divine authority. It’s then no big deal.
I actually no longer need to claim it. I am it.
We practice and practice to become ready and able to claim our divine authority. And then, when we’re ready, we no longer need to claim it. We become it. It’s just natural.
What seems unimaginable from a denser point of view becomes just natural from a higher-dimensional point of view.
(1) But a lot of it is confidential, by my request, so I won’t be releasing it. Past-life stuff. Things like that.
(2) Elsewhere I’ve described this blocking mechanism as “lethargy.” Hindus would call it the guna or cosmic force of thamas, or lethargy. See:
- “The Blanketing Mechanism Called Lethargy,” October 2, 2023, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/?p=348441
- ”Leaving the Fog of Lethargy,” September 7, 2014, at https://goldenageofgaia.com/2014/09/07/leaving-the-fog-of-lethargy/.
(3) “Arcturian Group Message through Marilyn Raffaele, 3/11/18,”
(4) Loc. cit.
(5) Psychologist Eric Berne (Transactional Analysis) would have called “Big Steve” my adult ego state, with “Little Steve” being my child ego state.