May I continue a reflection I was having with you awhile back please?
About the heart being the door to the treasure – higher-dimensional love and everything else that goes with it?
What I wanted to ask is: Never mind what the heart is a door to. What is the door to the heart?
Well, always love. That was easy. And, for sure, any of the divine qualities.
But the one I wanted to talk again about today, if you’d allow me, is the door called “balance.”
Why “balance” when many other names could have been used for the same territory: Tranquillity, serenity, peacefulness, calmness, detachment, equanimity, etc. But instead the Company of Heaven appears to have chosen to emphasize the word “balance.” Why? (1)
I think it’s because “balance” is the word that best fits the needs of an active generation. We’re lightworkers, here to build Nova Earth, the New Planet and the New Society. I think we think of ourselves as active.
I know Michael has told me there’ll be no life in the caves this incarnation. Active lightworker, editor, and communicator. So there’s an accent on activity.
I think there’s a bias in the West that sees the tranquil and serene as sitting like a Buddha, doing nothing. Definitely not active, from our point of view.
But that Western bias doesn’t extend to the word “balance.”
Think of it. Go back to your childhood. A calm, balanced, but active individual is almost universally praised in the movies I grew up with.
These fictional figures conditioned my youthful view of the ideal character. What they all shared was balance.
A second arena: Look at anything on leadership or managerial skills and you’ll see it praising balance. A balanced leadership. A balanced manager. A balanced professional, judge, referee, mediator.
Even-handed. Impartial. Neutral. And in every other way, balanced.
We as a society and a culture have a healthy respect for balance and don’t see that as being in conflict with leading an active life.
(Continued in Part 2, tomorrow.)
(1) The same question might be asked as to why the Company of Heaven chose the word “heart” to use for what others would call the Self, the Christ, the Atman. My opinion is that they knew the word “heart” would be recognizable by and seem friendly to the greatest number of people.