Folks who want to sit out the phase of Ascension called “Accountability” are invited to do so. Read no further.
It may not be your mission. It is a part of mine.
We’re in the phase of Ascension which, prior to 2012, commentators would have called “Accountability.”
It occurs to me that some readers may not remember those times and may not be familiar with this phase or the way this blog – no longer the 2012 Scenario, but the Golden Age of Gaia – is handling it. (1)
Only later (2011) did I meet up with Archangel Michael. He’s toned me down over the years. But I still feel the ardor flare, as Tanga has pointed out. (2)
“Accountability” refers to the phase of Ascension which is concerned with several things.
It’s concerned with putting an end to the elite’s (cabal’s, deep state’s) hold on the planet so that as many people as possible can ascend, including any “recalcitrants” who’ve stopped undermining global society and world peace.
It’s concerned with putting an end to their intention to cause a World War III, in which most of Earth’s population would be destroyed.
It’s concerned with regime change where the deep state is in control of governments. You see Saudi Arabia and Zimbabwe happening as we speak.
It’s concerned with having the truth about everything be known.
What is that truth? In part it’s that Gaia is a living organism – an archangel inhabits that form. She’s ascending in consciousness and will no longer have a habitable Third-Dimensional form. She’ll be like Venus, habitable on a higher dimension but not on this one. (3)
The truth is that Gaia has allowed humanity long enough to make war upon itself – and her. All wars must now end.
Those who remain recalcitrant will not be going with her to a higher-dimensional state of consciousness. They wouldn’t be able to survive in the refined vibrations if they did. They will “die” and be “re-assigned” to another planet. (4)
Gaia nearly succumbed to the pollution of her body, most threateningly through depleted uranium, which almost caused her to abandon her form.
Who saved the planet? Our extraterrestrial relatives and friends. The ones who left in 1200 BC, at which point humanity descended into a dark age that hasn’t lifted since. (5) Well, now they’ve returned to help us get back on our feet again.
They’ve come from planets that birthed our civilizations, like the Pleiades, Sirius, Andromeda, and Arcturus, to name a few.
Their presence here has been hidden by the cabal, not by them. Their arrival here has been known as the phase of Ascension called “Disclosure.”
But they are present in numbers, keeping a respectable distance from the planet and cloaked.
The cabal that rules now is not much different from the cabals that ruled ancient Assyria, Babylonia, or Egypt.
Or Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Stalinist Russia.
Our own deep state is undoubtedly now the number one foe of world peace and humanity’s evolution. But humanity’s direction is now unstoppable, as the Accountability phase will demonstrate.
I love what Winston Churchill said, that the efforts of the British people in their finest hour would bring them in time to the “broad, sunlit uplands” of life. (6) That’s humanity’s direction now.
In this Accountability phase, you can see that over 2000 sealed indictments have been issued and that some leading politicians like Hillary Clinton and John McCain are wearing orthopedic boots to disguise the GPS arrest bracelets they’re wearing. The Podestas are under arrest.
These are part of the so-called “mass arrests” that we’ve been expecting since I first learned of Ascension in late 2008.
You can also see that remarkable regime change is happening.
Donald Trump. Vladmir Putin, and Xi Jinping seem to be cooperating on an international level in what Trump has called “draining the swamp.”
I’m not following events religiously so I may make a few mistakes. I’m more interested in the overarching or evolutionary aspects – how all this fits into our Ascension, where it ties in with the Reval. What it’s relationship to reconstruction is.
I know many readers are curious about the Reval. I don’t think this is a flashbang – an event intended to distract.
I think it must happen that those at a command level of the deep state – and, yes, that includes Hillary and Bill Clinton and all the Bushes – are removed from power.
Detain the leadership and the troops will have no orders to follow.
I think this is the housecleaning that must take place to make the world safe for reconstruction.
I’ll find some past articles on Accountability to repost if I can.
Watch for it:
- Truth-telling
- Arrests
- Regime change
(1) We began in 2009 as a cabal-fighting blog – exposing 9/11, depleted uranium, and all the other crimes of the deep state. The best example of that is “I Accuse” at
(2) See “Thank You, Tanga,”
(3) Archangel Michael: The 3D Earth has done her cosmetic change. It is not there [after Ascension].
Steve: It is not there.
AAM: The same way you, dear heart – as the embodiment of a singularly third-dimensional being – are no longer present. [Because I’ll be in 5D and not in 3D.] At that moment, you both, and all jumped.
S: All right. So is there anything left in 3D?
AAM: No, it is all transmuted, transformed, elevated. …
S: So there is no 3D Earth after that date?
AAM: That is correct. … She does not want to duplicate herself and to continue to be the carrier of that energy.
S: Uh-hunh. Unlike, say, Venus?
AAM: Yes, there has been a division there [i.e., on Venus], but that is not how Earth is choosing to do this.
S: I’ll be darned. I haven’t heard that before, and I’m just trying to digest it. There won’t be a 3D Earth. The people who say “no” will go to the astral planes, the people who say “yes” will continue on with Earth.
AAM: That is correct.
S: That is very much an eye opener for me. Thank you. (Steve Beckow, “Reading with Archangel Michael, August 1, 2011” through Linda Dillon, at
Steve Beckow: What will happen to this Earth, 3D Earth, that they cannot stay? Is that what you meant, Lord?
AAM: Yes, that is what I mean. Understand, 3D Earth, it is not existing. (Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, Reading with Steve Beckow, Aug. 17, 2012.)
(4) Steve Beckow: What about – for the people who say “no”? Will they remain on this 3D Earth, or will they find themselves somewhere else?
Archangel Michael: They will find themselves elsewhere.
S: And will they find themselves elsewhere as babies, or as they are now?
AAM: They will return home. They will return out of body.
S: To the astral planes?
AAM: Yes. And they will be counseled and then reassigned as they choose. (Archangel Michael through Linda Dillon, Reading with Steve Beckow, Aug. 17, 2012.)
(5) See “Archangel Michael: What Happened to Civilization in 1200 BC?,”
(6) In “Churchill: To Conquer or to Die,” 10:45, at httpss://