Greetings, I am Master Kuthumi, the World Teacher at a Planetary Level alongside Master Jesus. I come forth with news from the Creator which has been filtered through the dimensions of the Creator’s Universe to the Planetary Level. This information, I, Master Kuthumi, wish to share directly with you as I believe it will support you in discovering greater clarity within your being, reality and ascension.
The Creator is emphasising at this time, through the deliverance of energy waves, enhanced alignments of truth. Every soul upon the Earth and the inner planes is aligned with the truth of the Creator. The truth, essence and all that is the Creator exists within you and can be accessed with your intention and conscious awareness. In doing so, you access and enter into the consciousness, awareness and energy of the Creator, experiencing expansion, bliss, clarity and oneness.
As an awakening being on the Earth, you are constantly in the process of remembering the Creator. You are continually recognizing your alignment, connection and integration with the truth of the Creator, how it resides within you and around you.
In this time of ascension, encouragement is placed upon recognizing the truth of the Creator that is most needed and beneficial within your being and reality, thus creating an alignment or greater awakening of specific fields of truth. This is connected to your purpose upon the Earth and within your ascension.
The mission of the Creator is to support you in existing as and experiencing your purpose more fully within your spiritual evolution. Many people struggle to understand the truth of the Creator they hold and their purpose upon the Earth.
I, Master Kuthumi, will share with you that your purpose is constantly shifting as you develop and allow your being to unfold.
Exercise to Discover Your Purpose
I wish to share with you three questions to support your understanding of that which the Creator encourages at this time.
Direct each question to your soul, surrender and allow the response to unfold from your soul.
- What quality or qualities does my soul desire to embody fully in this lifetime?
- What quality or qualities most support my full remembrance of the Creator and experience of oneness with the Creator?
- How will embodying this quality or these qualities assist me now in my life and ascension?
Take time to receive all that is necessary for you to understand and become aware of. The answers, feelings, visions or knowingness you receive will demonstrate to you and guide you in understanding your purpose in your ascension and on the Earth. Remember that you have all the wisdom you need to access the understanding you require.
Simplicity is the key, and through the simple responses given to you by your soul, you will discover that your purpose is simple when described and yet expansive and fulfilling when embodied and expressed in your reality.
Examples of your purpose; to be peace and teach others the art of peace, to be courageous and guide others in experiencing their goals, to be love and assist others in accessing their core unconditional love, or to express the beauty of the Creator through creative expression.
Understanding Your Alignment of Truth
Once you have discovered the truth (quality) of the Creator that most resonates with your soul and current existence, it is far easier for you to be in the flow of the Creator, expressing, creating and experiencing the truth in every moment. With this understanding, you can begin to align your entire being with higher more expansive aspects of the Creator of the same vibration, meaning the same truth or quality.
By aligning yourself with the truth of the Creator that is the same vibration as your purpose, you are empowering yourself, expanding your understanding of yourself and the Creator, as well as further awakening yourself into the conscious light being that you are. The Creator offers to you a downpour of high vibrational light, love and consciousness; truth of the same vibration as the purpose of your soul.
For example, if it is your purpose to embody peace, then the Creator will align your entire being with pure and powerful vibrations of peace from numerous dimensions, anchoring all fully into your being. The Creator will also integrate with your being light vibrations of different qualities that support the embodiment, expression and experience of peace. Such an alignment is transformational, creating numerous activations within your being which support a greater state of oneness and realisation of all that is the Creator.
The alignment of truth I, Master Kuthumi, speak of is akin to powerful laser beams of light anchoring into your being, synthesizing to restore connections of truth, harmony and pure consciousness within your being. The upgrade of light will also assist you in understanding how to make your way in the world, what you can do to be of service, how you can support yourself and how to feel at home within your body and soul. It will guide you how to create action in your life and how this action supports further awakening for yourself and others.
Experiencing an Alignment of Truth
- Breathe deeply and center your attention into the presence of your soul, allow yourself to imagine that each breath is aligned with and merged with your soul until you feel as if you are embodying your soul with great expansion.
- Focus upon your discoveries in the practice I shared with you concerning your purpose. Bring to mind the quality or qualities of the Creator your soul wishes to fully embody in this lifetime. Continue to breathe deeply imagining that the quality or qualities of your purpose are within your being, expanding with each breath you inhale and exhale, until you experience an integration of the energy within your entire being.
- Say out loud: ‘I surrender my soul and my understanding of my purpose at this moment to the Creator. I invite my soul to align with the Creator; I invite the Creator to share with me the appropriate energy, light, love and consciousness to support my purpose.’Please download this light into my entire being, allowing me to receive the energies and qualities of the Creator that support me in existing as and expressing my purpose clearly and easily on the Earth. May the light alignment, connection and integration I receive amplify the truth of my being and guide me forth to live as my truth on the Earth. Thank you.’
- Imagine yourself as a flower head, your petals extend from the base of your spine, and the tips of the petals reach beyond your crown chakra at the top of your head. As the light of the Creator begins to flow and penetrate your being, allow yourself to open to receive the vibrations of truth directly from the Creator. Imagine your petals unfolding and opening out into the most beautiful flower. You are at the center of the flower, and at the core of your being is the truth of the Creator; your purpose for this lifetime, your quality or qualities your soul wishes to embody. The truth alignments of the Creator penetrate the core of your being and the truth you hold, magnifying abundantly the qualities your soul wishes to embody as its purpose on the Earth. Take time to enjoy the inner glow of your truth. Feel it expanding beyond your imagination.
- Feel the beams of light and alignments of truth flowing down through your being and into the Earth as you share all that you are and experience with Mother Earth. This will ground your being and bring the qualities of the Creator you have experienced into the physical planes for you to enjoy.
The more this process is practised, the more you will experience the benefits.
I honor the truth within you,
Your ever-present guide,
Master Kuthumi
“Master Kuthumi via Natalie Glasson: Alignments of Truth,” September 29, 2017, at httpss://
Original Source: Sacred School of OmNa httpss://