by James McConnell
And I am Sananda. And I come to be with you at this time in these continuing, changing times that you are in, and these times that are straining upon you, holding you in many cases, in many ways to the illusion, for all that is happening around you is trying to hold on to you.
Your ego within yourself is trying to hold on. It does not want to let go. It does not want to become irrelevant in your life.
But you as the God self within you, the knowing God self, the I Am presence within you is more and more and more beginning to take hold. More and more being able to say, yes, I love you, my ego, but you must step aside and allow the God self, the God force within me to take charge.
That is what is happening now. That is what you are all learning to do, being trained to do, is to take control of your lives, to take the power back within you become all that you came here to be.
For indeed, this is the linchpin lifetime that you are living at this time. This is the one that separates you from the old ways, the old programming, the old ways of the illusion to the new higher understanding, new higher vibrational frequency of the fourth and fifth dimension and beyond that.
That is what you came here to do, to pave the way, to show the way. But in order for you to show the way to others, you must create the way for yourselves first. That is what you are doing now at this time.
That is what you are practicing to do. And the more that you are able to separate the illusion, the old illusion, the old programming from the new reality that is being created by you and all of the collective you, the more that you can separate that, the easier it will become for you to let go of the attachments in your life.
The attachments that you all know are fleeting are only there while you are here in this illusion, but are no longer needed when you leave the illusion. When you are in the fifth dimensional expression, the attachments are no longer needed anymore. They become a thing of the past, a forgotten part of your journey.
Think about that.
Think about how wonderful that will be on that day when you finally realize who you truly are at every level of your being.
When you know that all of life is in front of you, not the expression of death, where many across the planet believe that this is the end, where those of you know that this is only the beginning, a new beginning. So if you were to pass on through the death process, it is only the beginning of another journey, and another journey after that, and another journey after that.
It is never ending. Life itself, life, universal life is never ending. It is just that, it is universal.
Take the infinity symbol as an understanding of this, where there is not a beginning and there is not an end. That is who you are as the God expression within you.
Just as I, as Yeshua took on that God expression within me, I was able to walk the earth holding that expression, that Christ consciousness expression within me and be able to show it to those around me that were ready to experience it, to feel it.
Just as I was able to do that, that is what you are all working toward in this linchpin lifetime. So trust, trust in yourselves, trust in the knowing that you have deep within you. And they are deep within you and are there whenever you need them.
Whenever you feel like something is reaching out to you to hold you back, know that the inner knowing is there. The intuition, the inner whispers are there to drive you forward, to keep you moving forward one step after another.
For indeed, the journey of a thousand miles does begin with the first step and the next step and the next step and so on and so on. And soon you will find that it will not be just one step after another, but you will be running, running to reach that finish line.
And again, that is what you are all here for this time.
I am Sananda and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness.
And that you continue to move on step after step after step, knowing that this is only the beginning of the rest of your journey.