Many people believe the “end times” will see much catastrophe. Many of their fears track back to the Book of Revelation.
The ancient prophecies, evidently, did apply until this planet’s population pulled out of its downward trajectory and re-embraced the Light.
I don’t know when that time was but I’m sure it took a mammoth effort to pull the plane’s nose up before we hit the ocean.
In a future post, I’ll look at what happened to the ancient prophecies and why they no longer apply.
Us lightworkers being here is part of that. The galactics and celestials participating in such large numbers, are another, major part of it.
Look how many times we’ve heard from the Divine Mother? When in human history has that ever happened?
Look at how many spiritual masters are here.
Then look at the significance of the occasion.
This is the first Ascension, if I’m correct, where we retain the physical body.
It’s the first time on Earth, anyways, that people did not have to die to ascend.
It’s the first time for us that Ascension has been a mass phenomenon. In the past people ascended individually.
We’re also going into an entirely-new space. It’s being created for us in “present” time.
We really are going where no one has gone before.
The rules have changed. All the vistas of dimensionality will be open to us. That wasn’t the case before now.
Coming at things from the afterlife, one could not have visited higher dimensions previously without help. And then one could only visit for a short while.
The rules of enlightenment seem also to have changed. For instance, I haven’t been able to find any reference to cosmic consciousness, or sixth-chakra enlightenment, in any of our sources.
If, in our Ascension, we skip that stage, it’ll demonstrate that the administration of enlightenment, which lies in the hands of the archangels (and perhaps angels), is in fact elastic. The rules can change and they have.
That cuts the firm anchor of classical enlightenment theory and sets the boat adrift.
Here’s another twist on things for me personally that demonstrates that the rules can and have changed.
I’ve had numerous truncated experiences, some of which under normal circumstances would have been seventh-chakra enlightenment (Brahmajnana), a half-hour spent in the Seventh Dimension, and a very brief glimpse of a dimension beyond the Twelfth (exaltation).
But in every case, in one way or another, each experience lacked a vital dimension of enlightenment.
The Seventh-Dimensional time spent in my Oversoul lacked bliss. The two times that the kundalini completed its circuit in the seventh chakra, which should have resulted in Brahmajnana, only resulted in me watching the spectacle.
The two experiences lacked a deep, experiential dimension. It may as well have been an Imax spectacular.
Before mine, I’d never heard of truncated experiences. If I hadn’t gone through it myself, I wouldn’t know what anyone was talking about. What’s a truncated experience?
But when an experience of mine has been moderated, as Archangel Michael said mine are, the moderation or truncation is quite clear to me.
Michael wants me (read: us) to keep my (read: our) feet on the ground. I can visit the higher states but I can’t say there. He wants me to stay within the focus of my readers.
I imagine much of this is the same for many of you, with variations on a theme. We’re for the greatest part angels, here on a mission. That means that we’re all Transcendental Beings. I’m not sure many people really understand what that means.
Past Twelfth-Dimensional…. Shhhh… It’s a secret.
Don’t tell the terrestrial folks they’re being led by a legion of angels. (2)
(1) The awareness path focuses on what we’re experiencing right now. You can see it in my writing.
(2) “You are angels in form dancing upon a planet which is an archangel.” (“Video and Transcript ~ Archangel Gabrielle: Cooperation Comes Before Love,” April 11, 2017, at
“When you are not in form, sometimes you’re angelic; sometimes you are archangelic, seraphim, cherubim, ascended ones, enlightened beings, sheer energies, star beings. …
“So many of you say to me, ‘Well, Michael, Me-Kai-El! You’ve got it wrong. Get your legion and get down here because all I am seeing is hatred and greed and anger and fear and envy and chaos.’
“My beloveds, as your brother of peace, I gladly, joyously bring my legions. But do not forget you are part of that legion. And those of you who are not, are of the legion of Gabrielle, or Jophiel, or Raphael. All of you have multiple faces, multiple existences. But you are anchored in where you are by choice, by free will in service to the Mother.” (“Transcript: Archangel Michael Returns to AHWAA: What’s It Like to be an Archangel? March 17, 2016,” at
“Let me also step forward and remind each of you of your angelic heritage, of that seed of the angelic that rests within, around, each of you.
“For you have many faces. You have many aspects. You have had many realms and experiences of existence. And for most of you ― no, not all, but for most of you ― you have had existence as angelic of one kind or another. And you carry within thee this essence to this day.
“Now, why do I bring this forward as we begin yet again this conversation on the principalities, thrones, dominions and so on? Because it is important that you also realize that we do not merely speak about the bureaucracy of heaven, or the Company of Heaven. We speak about you, about who you are, and about this energy, this essence, this spark of light that took this form of angelic being once upon a time. And I would urge each of you to acknowledge, to embrace, and to dig and to bring forth your angelic self.” (“Archangel Michael: You are God Having an Experience of You,” June 27, 2014, at