Suzi is away at an Agarthan Symposium in New York City. While she’s taking it in, why don’t we meet the Agarthans?
After Disclosure, Sheldan Nidle’s galactic and ascended sources tell us, we “are suddenly to learn about Agartha and why you first came here some 900,000 years ago. Lost memories are to be recovered and explained.” (1)
“Your world is actually two,” Sheldan’s sources explain.
“One is Inner Earth and the home of your Agarthan cousins. They are the last remnant of the colonists that seeded Gaia some 900,000 years ago. At first, they occupied the continent that most of you call Lemuria.
“Eventually, they moved a part of their colony to inner Earth. It is this latter group that became the last vestige of what Lemuria was about. The Atlanteans attacked and claimed the surface realm for themselves. This eventually led to a simmering conflict, which boiled over some 13 millennia ago.” (2)
SaLuSa gives us more details:
“You will hear more about those souls that reside in the Inner Earth, that you know as the Agarthans. Before the demise of Lemuria they were the ones that left their land, and continued their evolution by moving to the Inner Earth. They are at a stage where they have moved into a higher level of consciousness, and will be part of open contact when it is safe to do so. They have much to offer and will assist in your final preparations for Ascension.” (3)
Some surface dwellers have visited Agartha. The best known is Admiral Byrd, as Matthew Ward reminds us:
“There are civilizations living within the hollow Earth and occasional meetings of one or more of them and surface folks – Admiral Byrd’s diary describes his group’s friendly reception and the beauty of the people and their environment. And telepathic communication between some souls on Earth and those in other civilizations has been going on ‘close to forever.’” (4)
Most ancient civilizations, Sheldan’s sources say, knew about these events.
“Even the ancient Chinese, Mesopotamians, Indians and Egyptians knew just how long ago this happened. Our assigned task was to watch over you and intervene only when Heaven so agreed. This policy led to a number of messianic missions and the rise of numerous religions, which the Anunnaki and their minions altered to what they thought was fully acceptable for their evil purposes. The consequences of their actions developed into the hatred and divisions that continue to plague humanity even to this day.” (5)
One wonders whether Wanderer of the Skies’ sources were describing recent finds under Antarctica in this comment:
“A new ‘discovery’ about to be revealed to the masses concerning the deepest underground cave yet found is a leak of information on one of the doorways to a world containing beings who you have called the Agarthans. It will set the stage, if necessary, for future revelations about these beings and their role here.” (6)
(Continued in Part 2, tomorrow.)
(1) Spiritual Hierarchy and the Galactic Federation Update as received by Sheldan Nidle, March 7, 2017, at
(2) Sheldan Nidle, May 6, 2014.
(3) SaLuSa, Dec. 31, 2010, at
(4) Matthew’s Messages, Oct. 22, 2008, at
(5) Sheldan Nidle, May 6, 2014.
(6) Wanderer of the Skies, March 25, 2012, at