Thank you, Archangel Michael, for your Breath of Peace, the winds of change on Gaia.
Archangel Michael’s Blue Breath of Peace is helping us to see, to feel, to understand and to know what is creating conflict within us, and therefore without.
In order to create peace we have need to know what entrenched beliefs we have running.
Often the wording of them — what we say to ourselves or feel on a daily basis — is quite unconscious.
They can be passed down as family patterns or picked up from others and recreated within ourselves.
These false grids or entrenched beliefs limit our freedom to be who we truly are.
Archangel Michael, in December 2013, had this to say about the false grids:
“Welcome to you. Welcome to all of you. Welcome, beloved ones, my warriors of peace, legion of love. We all bow to the Mother and then we stand upright, in the fullness of our being, you and yours, us and ours, brothers and sisters together, to claim our freedom, to claim our birthright, and for each of you to go forth as the Creators of Nova Earth.
“You have been locked in a room and that room is false grids. It is the old illusion of the old 3rd which never had, from our perspective, true substance. It has all been smoke and mirrors and in many ways it has been like going to a carnival or a house of horrors.
“And there has been distortion. And while you are in the middle of that, enjoying being scared, you have forgotten, my beloved ones, that it is not real and that the carnival will shut down and leave town tomorrow. Well, let us make it today!” (1)
The false grids no longer serve us and now is the time for their destruction, removal and elimination.
As we do this work, we also do it for the collective through our energetic fields that surround each of us, with our understanding and knowing the interconnectedness of All.
Archangel Michael continues:
“You are seeing this shift in the microcosm and in the macro. And you are seeing all over your planet the warriors of light who step forward and demand their freedom. They may think that they are asking for financial freedom, political freedom, social justice, but what they are really asking for is to be free to be themselves, the totality of who they are. And for the systems that have been adjuncts to these false grids to get out of the way! And we declare it so.
“This is core work and it is not sequential work. Yes, at one time it has been. And it is sequential insofar as you do it, the more that you rid yourself and the collective of the false grids, the freer you are to pursue the truth and the totality of who you are. But you do not stop or put experiencing who you are on hold while you clear. They are done in conjunction. It is the never-ending flow. And the beauty, the experience of the love, the peace, the joy, is what pushes you on, catapults you on, to remove even more.”
Archangel Michael’s Blue Breath of Peace is helping us get the really deeply-entrenched beliefs.
One of them is the belief that God is punishing.
This can show up in many ways such as oppression (control), self-cruelty (all judgement), anxiety (separation), worry (broken trust), interference (doubt), futility and disappointment.
All the false grids stem from our lack of self-worth and lack of self-love.
Archangel Michael and Archangel Gabrielle are on high alert this week, at our beck and call — they always are — in joy that we are calling on them for help.
As we stand in Archangel Michael’s Breath of Peace every evening, there is great opportunity for us to use his Breath for conscious awareness of our entrenched old beliefs, the false grids.
Taking the time to understand and know the false grids — (I give a method using the Tarot here) — creates our freedom, Nova Being and Nova Earth.