The four wikis or databases linked to this site – First Contact, New Maps of Heaven, From Darkness Unto Light, and Other Dictionaries of Enlightenment – have been down for repairs and are now back up and running.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused you (some of you wrote in).
They were closed while the databases were being migrated to a new server and while new functionality was added to the back.
The dictionaries cover the following subjects:
First Contact – Channeled messages from credible sources on Ascension, Disclosure, the Reval, NESARA, Accountability, building Nova Earth, and related subjects. This is the database that I use most often to write my articles. You can use it too.
New Maps of Heaven – Credible channeled sources on life after death, the dimensions, philosophy, etc. The various dimensions are described here. No need to wait for Ascension to “read all about it.”
From Darkness Unto Light – Terrestrial saints and sages on enlightenment and the stages of Reality to be known, which often are called the Trinity (Father, Son [Child, us] and Holy Ghost [Divine Mother] or Brahman, Atman , and Shakti).
Other Dictionaries of Enlightenment – Excerpts from the teachings of Krishna, Ramakrishna, Lao Tzu, Krishnamurti, Ramana Maharshi, Franklin Merrell-Wolff, and Rinzai or Lin-Chi. Merrell-Wolff achieved phenomenal states of enlightenment. Ramakrishna achieved enlightenment by at least half a dozen paths. All the others are equally delightful.
You’re welcome to use these raw materials for your articles and books. No credit is requested apart from that requested by the authors themselves.