Blessings Beloved Light Tribe
You may notice a dramatic increase in the energies as this Eclipse window ushers in the next wave. Gatekeepers and Gridworkers will be activating and releasing the Solar aspects of the grids over the next weeks.
This directly affects your pineal-pituitary complex, DNA and Heart center as it unlocks the new HUman template encodements. Expansion, blissed-out sensations and exhaustion are expected; it is what it is. Take care and welcome the activation with an open heart. Side-effects within the body are one conversation; receiving all that is available and assisting Gaia, HUmanity, Kingdoms and Elementals is another.
As mentioned in the previous post, the death of old Self can be complete if you surrender to this, and actively allow the new template of the Higher Self to step forth.
This always works in tandem with the external events unfolding; death of old systems. Much is happening behind-the-scenes as well; let it be. All is incredibly well, Beloveds. It is our responsibility to create and call forth the New. Shifts are occurring to fully empower the Light Tribe who are focused on embodiment and activation of global Christ Consciousness templates.
Get your crystals out in this energy to receive and amplify the frequencies emanating from Gaia and Solaris. Get your crystalline self out in this energy, tap in and fuel this powerful wave. Pure intention, pure service. Gatekeepers and Gridworkers; we are aligning to transmit the Solar activations. Prepare your gates, portals, sites and grid points. Remember purity of heart and purity of intent creates the Christic flow though your vehicle. Gridwork is intense during this passage, in the most divine way possible! Gatekeepers are getting a boost this month; be sure to check in with your councils and teams for direction.
Let the New Light do what it needs to do, in the highest interests of all concerned. Lightworkers: Meditate often and hold space for this unfoldment. We Love You, We Bless You, We Thank You.
In Love, Light and Service,
“Gatekeepers and Gridworkers utilizing the Eclipse window,” by Sandra Walter, February 9, 2016, at
Source link: Sandra Walter Creative Evolution: February 9, 2016