When a human awakens into awareness of their true nature it is always an unforgettable moment. They will always remember precisely what they were doing at that moment and how sudden this awakening was. One moment everything was rolling along in their lives “normally,” the next moment they knew that they were One with Source, and all doubts and uncertainties immediately dissolved. It was a moment of intense joy.
Everyone, every conscious entity created by God, will experience the wonder of that awakening. It is everyone’s destiny, an inevitable and divinely assured completion of each one’s return to awareness of Oneness with their Source – the Alpha and the Omega. Neither is complete without the other, and incompleteness is impossible, so you are never without the Other, your higher Self, your God-Self, your Oneness, and so your utter completeness in Divine Oneness is constant and eternal.
You were created One with Source, and that state is unchanging and unchangeable, you have just very temporarily lost sight of it, momentarily it is hidden from view by a very small passing cloud – and then, instantly, the Sun is visible again in all Its infinite brilliance and lustre.
God so loves His Creation that He wills It to be fully awake, fully conscious, fully aware, and fully alive, and so It will be. The choice to play games in an illusory environment of pain and suffering has been rescinded and your awakening is occurring right now. There are signs of this all around you, open your eyes and see, then delight in the ensuing knowledge.
Not one of you is forgotten, abandoned, unseen, unworthy or in any way judged and found wanting. You remain eternally perfect, just as you were created, so relax fully into self-acceptance and enjoy the human form you chose to inhabit until you feel you no longer need it, and the full awareness of your divine nature will fill your hearts with joy.
You are Love. There is nothing else, so allow yourselves to be once more aware of this divine Truth. God wants you to be aware because He knows that it will bring you great joy, and His desire, His Will for you is constant and eternal joy. The only reason you do not experience this state is because you do not allow yourselves to experience it. You allow negative self-judgments to cloud your view, to hide Reality from you.
One of the main aspects of the illusion is your negative self-judgment. When you chose to experience separation you knew that it was a rejection of God’s eternal Love for you, but you made the choice anyway to prove to yourself that you had no need of God. It was a bit like a teenager needing to prove independence from parents by leaving home or going on a long world tour.
But underneath that need to prove their independence there remains the knowledge that if things don’t turn out well, then they can always return home. If that happens for them, they may well feel a little ashamed having discovered that they are not yet fully independent adults, able to cope alone in the world, nevertheless, they do return to the safety of home.
Well, it’s very much the same for you and God. Deep within you do know that you are eternally loved and cherished, but there remains that underlying sense of shame coupled with negative self-judgment – “I’m not good enough, I couldn’t make it on my own and now I must ask to come home, maybe I will be turned away.” And as parents, unless you are in extreme conflict with your children, you know that you will always welcome them home because you love them and want to assist them in any way that you can. You would never turn them away.
And, of course, God, our heavenly Father is infinitely loving and accepting! You just need to turn to Him in complete trust, setting aside your doubts, your anxieties, your fears, and your negative and invalid self-judgments, by opening your hearts fully to the field of Love that surrounds you in every moment of your existence.
There is no such thing as divine retribution, judgment, or rejection, there is only Love. And that Love is infinite. Again, most of you have comforted another – a child, a sibling, a spouse, a friend, who is in pain, physical or emotional – and the feelings of love you have deep within for that other are very intense in that moment. Well the feelings of Love God has for you are infinitely more intense, in fact way beyond your ability to imagine.
Just trust that God’s Love for you is with you always, as It most definitely is, and then go within to your sanctuary, your inner altar where the flame of His Love for you burns constantly and open your hearts to receive It. He offers It to you in every moment and lovingly waits for you to accept It. Do so, and feel the warmth and the comfort and the safety of His divine embrace. It is your eternal Home, the Home in which you are always fully welcome, and which will never reject you or turn you away.
It is your Home, and you have every right to enter. When you do your welcome will commence with the most glorious of celebrations because you have been sorely missed.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
“Jesus: Your Welcome Will Commence With the Most Glorious of Celebrations,” Channeled by John Smallman, February 5, 2017, at httpss://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com/2017/02/05/your-welcome-will-commence-with-the-most-glorious-of-celebrations/