(Concluded from Part 3.)
Lightworkers are Conduits
What is the lightworker’s role in this energetic shower?
Lightworkers are the conduits of the photonic codes to humanity, Sandra tells us. But they have to own the higher state of consciousness for it to operate in them.
“Much of the Christed work at that level is serving as a conduit. Rather than fixing or healing things like the egoic Gods of old, the new vibration is empowering the collective through Unity, and just being a higher vibrational Presence on Earth auto-corrects whatever presents for healing around us. But you do have to own that state of consciousness, without doubt.” (1)
She describes the manner in which both sides of the veil contribute to the dissemination of photonic energy to the human collective.
“Many are already receiving higher levels of the photonic codes, as the Galactics and our Higher levels weave this light gently, steadily into the collective consciousness via pure conduits.
“Gatekeepers and the Galactics have called forth the influx of dimensional-shifting, consciousness-shifting frequencies which will affect those choosing Crystalline/Christ/Unity consciousness embodiment.” (2)
Many lightworkers have been enjoying cave time. Many don’t trust or own their ascended self. But it’s time now to come out of the cave and serve, she says.
“Lightworkers, this month of redesigning and reorganizing your services after a year of cave time places you in the role of service to a larger awakened collective. Some lightworkers may continue to retreat from the collective out of habit (or fear).
“However many will step forth fully into a new level of freedom with joy and gratitude to be of service – in your own creative and unique way – without old beliefs about limitation. Trust the new light. Own your Ascending Self.” (3)
Lightworkers provide the bridge between the dimensions, she explains.
“When your perception resonates with love, gratitude and service, it transforms your personal reality to vibrate with the higher reality, and you become a bridge between worlds.” (4)
Those who’ll be awakening now need compassionate support and that is to come from us: “A steady stream of awakening means steady amounts of compassionate support will be needed.” (5)
She gives us valuable advice on how to address matters with the newly-awakened:
“Remember your Divine Feminine aspects: Hold space for others to have their experience. Don’t judge or overwhelm them with intel or instruction. That is not helpful – especially if you are clinging to old intel, or stories of the past. Share your stories from the heart. Get the new services aligned with where you are right now. All must resonate with love, honesty and integrity. Co-creation brings fresh light to your Services; this is about Unity.
“Everyone will have to be very flexible as the vibrational levels change, and reveal what is the Now Truth. It is not complimentary to regurgitate history as we make a quantum leap.” (6)
I might add to that that a liberal amount of listening, and a small amount of speaking may prove most effective with the newly-awakened.
She asks us to stay in the heart/heart consciousness and out of the drama.
“By staying in the heart and not getting sucked into worry, drama, judgment, or the past, you automatically join the millions actively co-creating a higher reality, which burns off the lower vibrations more rapidly.
“Hear this, learn this: Put all of your focus on bringing in, creating, and embodying the Christ/Unity consciousness and the lower reality will burn away more quickly. Parent your thoughts and your process with patience, compassionate detachment and grace.” (7)
We’re helping everyone to experience the ascended state but we cannot violate the free will of others to choose ascension or not for themselves.
“We are making the Christed state available to everyone. However it is your individual conscious choice to do the work and embody the New Light. That is the free will principle in action; no more control, no more manipulation of your personal journey – it has to be your choice to experience the old paradigm, as well as the new one.” (8)
Sandra has given us not only incredibly-useful infrmation on the photon energy bathing the planet and bringing about – in concert with other energies – our ascension; she’s also furnished us with a step by step guide to clearing away the underbrush and revealing the ascended being we are and always have been.
Sandra chronicled the coming of the photonic energy throughout 2016. Her record is one of the most complete we have.
Given that Earth’s ascension is the first mass, physical ascension in the universe, I’m sure her record of the coming of the photon wave will be much studied by other civilizations.
(1) Sandra Walter, “June Gateway: Owning Your Ascension,” May 28, 2016, at https://gaog.wpengine.com/2016/05/28/june-gateway-owning-ascension/.
(2) Sandra Walter, “Gateways of Transformation: New Realities Step Forth,” December 23, 2016, at https://www.sandrawalter.com/gateways-of-transformation-new-realities-step-forth/.
(3) Sandra Walter, “Perspective and Guidance for the Now,” May 19, 2016, at https://gaog.wpengine.com/2016/05/19/276876/.
(4) Loc. cit.
(5) Sandra Walter, “June Gateway,” ibid.
(6) Loc. cit.
(7) Loc. cit.
(8) Sandra Walter, “Second Amplification Nearing Completion,” April 11, 2016, at https://www.sandrawalter.com/second-amplification-nearing-completion/