In past years, I listened to our sources say that some people will feel like moving in these final days, to get into final position, so to speak. I never thought I’d be one of them.
I’d like to continue with my remarks on how this experience is impacting me and how useful it is, given the tsunami of abundance that looms.
I want to simplify my life, down to its very basics, before the tsunami of abundance hits. I hear myself saying that I’ll leave all my boxes in the garage and only come and get something when I really feel I need it.
I never read a book anymore. And yet here am I with two bookshelves – admittedly of the best books you’d ever want to read (1) – but I haven’t pulled a book down in ages. Who am I kidding? Why am I collecting these?
Why am I defining myself in terms of my possessions?
I fantasize that the way to survive the tsunami of abundance is to remain buoyant, light. Not so much detached from possessions as detached from the attachment to possessions.
We all need tables and chairs. But we can cut our ties to them every day, in creative imagination.
The more attached we are to our possessions, I think, the more our lives will be beset after the Reval with “clouded joy,” as Archangel Michael called mine recently.
I clouded my joy by buying a piece of equipment, soon after a small gift came in. I then found myself fully occupied with getting the equipment up and running exactly when I should have been aware of what was happening in other areas. That distracted me and led to stress later. It was a good lesson. I don’t want that to happen again after the Reval.
The answer for me is to make no major purchases for at least a week after the Reval and longer if I can do it. No splurges and sprees. No wild parties or swinging from the rafters.
If others can get away with it, well and good. But I’d unleash some forces in me that I’d rather keep a rein on. I’d lose my focus. And I’d invite some very unfortunate publicity – which wouldn’t aid in building Nova Earth.
I don’t want to do that.
I think I need to keep perfectly still when the Reval hits and remain still throughout the exchange process. It may be a fond hope but “staying still” (2) while in action would allow for a maximum of awareness and a minimum of confusion.
I learned a lot about stress recently. I’ve also learned about the cognitive dissonance that can occur between awareness writing and financial management. And now I’m going to learn about attachment/detachment. All in aid of preparing for the big jump.
I’m checking my parachute, buckling up….
(1) For 10-20 years, I read only the works of enlightened authors, many of whom I have in my … collection.
(2) Archangel Michael calls it “standing back and observing.”