My readings with Archangel Michael produce more and more information which I’m sure he wants me to share.
Over the years, we’ve dealt with getting to know you, personal matters, cleansing, opening, and now with humanitarian philanthropic service. Here he asks me not to neglect my personal dreams.
These extracts are form a personal reading through Linda Dillon, Jan. 3, 2017. Thanks to Dana for our transcript.
Steve: So now, dreaming big: The barrier I hit in dreaming big is that it costs money to fulfil those dreams and so I continually pull back and say, “Well, the money is not around for that so if you talk about it, it’s going to just get people excited and there aren’t the means to carry through.”
Do you want to help me with that?
AAM: When I ask you to dream big, first of all, I did not say dream big and talk about it.
I am teasing you but I am not teasing you.
So first comes the dream and it is important that it be for your sacred self, for your human self, for your masculine self and for you as a steward for humanity.
And increasingly what you are coming to understand – what you’ve always understood to a certain extent – is that there are many places in which those two places do not and will not intersect.
Steve: Big dreams and money? Is that what you’re saying?
AAM: No, it is your private dreams, your dreams for the person known as Steve, and the dreams that you have for Nova Earth. They are like two streams. Think of it as a branching of the same river or stream.
Steve: I look and look and look and I don’t think that I have that many desires.
AAM: No, you don’t. But what you do have, do not abandon. You are seeing in very clear substantive reality how those dreams come forth into physicality. But they come forth by expression of the dream.
Let us use one of our favourite examples, of healing the abuse of women, in terrorizing marital relationships, domestic violence. Make it very specific.
If you have that dream and you never whisper it out loud then it remains internal. The expression, whether it is to the four walls of your home or to the entire planet – and there are appropriate levels of sharing – the expression, the externalization of the dream in speaking and writing, the communication of the dream is part of bringing forth the creation.
So to speak of your desires, whether they are personal or global is very important.
As you go forth, you have been in a juncture. You have been in a phase where the speaking of dreams, of personal dreams, has been very helpful to yourself and to others particularly those that you are close to.
But for example, when you are in a different position, you will not share so much personal detail because, dearest heart, we have guaranteed that you are protected. Well, sometimes being protected means that you keep quiet. (1)
Steve: Yes, yes, yes, I have to do my part. And it’s going to be a challenge, Lord, because sometimes I just want to blurt it out.
AAM: I know.
Steve: What can we do?
AAM: I will muffle you.
Steve: Okay, good! That’s what I need.
(1) AAM notes that personal dreams and global dreams may not intersect. But awareness writing and self-censorship are also strange bedfellows. An altogether challenging assignment.