I truly have been blessed in the number of spiritual experiences I’ve had in the last perhaps three years.
I imagine a willing journalist is being given a few previews of what lies ahead on the unspoken understanding that he’ll write about them – particularly, love and bliss.
I’m happy to keep that unspoken agreement.
My other aim in writing about them is to have others begin to feel comfortable thinking abut these states of being, and later talking about them. Perhaps others will share their experiences with love and bliss. It’s time.
We’ll work our way together up the ladder from intellectual knowledge to experiential knowledge to realized knowledge of love and bliss. To intend to do that as a society is an exercise of our collective will.
For me, the journey has been as if I were a space traveller and my spaceship was a clear glass orb. There was always something separating me from the full experience of the places I visited. I was seeing through a glass darkly, Paul might say.
Something about all the spiritual experiences I had was truncated. A seventh-dimensional experience of the Oversoul had no bliss. The kundalini completing itself at the crown chakra didn’t lead to Brahmajnana (God-Realization). When I’d ask Archangel Michael about these matters, he’d say, Oh, we want you to remain anchored to Gaia and to continue writing. We don’t want you leaving this place or losing yourself in meditation. You can visit these states but you can’t stay.
I can visit but I can’t stay? I can have a piece of the experience but not the full thing? A preview of coming attractions?
From these glimpses into Paradise, I can say that bliss is everything it’s cracked up to be. If that’s the atmosphere in the Fifth-Dimension, then let me buy the first ticket. I can personally attest that the future is friendly. Is that not the benefit of visiting?
One of the great existential questions of our lives is: What will happen to me in the future? I can say, without a shadow of doubt, if what I was shown was a preview of coming attractions, that there is absolutely no cause for concern for your future in the Fifth Dimension. None whatsoever.
Not for one moment in the whole time I was in bliss did I have a care or concern. I was for the whole adventure thoroughly satisfied. There was no need to move a muscle.
Bliss is a universal solvent, dissolving all that’s not eternal. The impermanent is washed from us, leaving only our true nature. Divinely normal and natural … again.
The journey in bliss is fun. The action of bliss is fun. The destination of bliss is fun.
And the deeper into bliss we go, the closer we come to God. What’s not to like?