I confess that I had become confused about a number of matters associated with Ascension.
What does gradual mean? Are there distinguishable stages? Does a gradual enlightenment follow the path of the chakras and beyond – to the heart or something entirely different?
Maximally at sea, I asked Archangel Michael to review the basics of Ascension for us.
We only had an hour and I believe AAM only got in some introductory remarks. We’ll have to follow up, providing events don’t overtake us.
In terms of an executive summary for those with scarce time, we started from the beginning – and the end – which is that love is the essence of all, the building block, the energy, our essence, our sacred self.
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Ascension was the restoration of the original Plan of the Mother, the restoration of love in form on this planet. Many variables went into the Plan because we have free will, which the Company of Heaven will not interfere with.
AAM called our Ascension a quantum leap in what it means to be human. It’s an expansion in the meaning of humanness (my words).
It’s actually the Descension of our Higher Self to blend with our everyday consciousness, the “I” that’s always here, independent of dimension, life/death, or any other circumstance.
The new race, integrating your lightbody, moving more towards electricity than magnetism, delcaring “I’m ready,” etc. – much more to hear.
Come join us or read the transcript.