(Continued from part 1)
“Many Big Changes”
Silver Birch describes the “crisis” we’re in the midst of and explains that a higher power is at work.
“You are now in the midst of the crisis. As always happens before there is a birth, there is much pain. The birth of the new order means much pain. Even when the new order comes, there will be growing pains.
“But there has been planted in your world a seed that will grow and the efforts of those in high places to destroy the seed will fail. It was said, a long time ago, ‘Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.’ That is going to happen.
“There will be many big changes. There will be break-ups and there will be many upheavals. There will be what you think is darkness and difficulty. You will say, ‘Things are worse.’ But, all the time, there is behind it all a power which is making for the progress of the world.” (1)
The World We Can Create
He also outlines the kind of world we can create.
There are many of us who have been allowed by those who are higher and above us to see your world as it will be one day. That conception we try to transmit to those who are receptive, to inspire them to go on with their work.
The pictures I have seen make your present world more ugly than it is. I see what it could be like – and what it must be like. It is only a question of time.
One day, there will arise a new race that will recognize that all politics, religion, science and knowledge are part of one thing. Then pain, sorrow, fear, mourning and unhappiness will be banished and your world will be a place of smiles and happy laughter. …
You have tried to build a world where, when one man has something, instead of using it to help the others, he tries to keep it for himself, with the result that in time he makes a system that must collapse because its foundations are wrong.
When you have people who develop their gifts, which all come from the Great Spirit, and use them for the benefit of all the others, then there will be built a system founded on that which is eternal. (2)
I like to think we’re creating a society where everyone can use their gifts to improve the world in some way. Everyone has some kind of talent, and my ideal world is one where we all support each other and work together while honoring individuality.
I believe such a world is possible, but it won’t be a reality until we make it happen.
Doesn’t Matter What We Call It
Silver Birch tells us it doesn’t matter what we call the new age.
“I do not care by what name you call the dawn of the new world, but it is the world of the Great Spirit coming into fulfillment, accompanied by His power, and the service of all faithful hearts who seek but to bring new joy, new life, new happiness into the world of matter, so that there shall cease coming into our world the wrecks of yours. “ (3)
People are slowly becoming aware, opening up to their creative side and trying to create a better world because they’re responding to the intensified cosmic energy bringing about this evolution.
According to Silver Birch, our work will continue until the new world is a reality and humanity is changed forever.
The New Age is Dawning
Spirit teacher “Elder Brother” describes what he calls the New Age of Aquarius.
The New Age of Aquarius [is] now dawning on the world. …
Yet, even as indeed we may be the Elder Brethren of your human race, and able to view the present trauma of your planet with detachment, still our duty and our joy is to release to your worlds some ray of that Divine Purpose by which all creation moves to its ascendancy.
Such a moment in the plan for your cosmos is now immanent.
These powerful vibrations of truth will make ingress into man’s mind and heart as the Living Water of the Aquarian Age is poured out upon all mankind, in the centuries when, following these tribulations of retribution for past cruelties, remorse for lost opportunities, and the dismal errors of the substitution of temporal power and affluence for Spiritual Grace, have been purged from all nations. (4)
He asks potential spiritual seekers to “accept the Living Water of Truth”.
“Oh, Closed Minds, open to the revelation of the Divine Law! Fulfil the teachings of the Great Ones; accept the Living Water of Truth into your minds in preparation for the New Age of the revelation of the Spirit!” (5)
I like the phrase “Living Water of Truth” because it presents spiritual truth as something that flows. In my opinion, this alludes to the connection between spirituality and creativity. Truth and creativity flow naturally in a higher consciousness, and there’s no difficulty feeling or expressing the higher vibrations.
(Continued in part 3 tomorrow)
- Silver Birch, Teachings of Silver Birch. Wisdom from the World Beyond. Ed. A.W. Austen. London: Spiritualist Press, 1962; c1938, 42-3.
- Loc. Cit.
- Ibid., 44.
- Helen Greaves, medium, Living Waters. Sudbury, Suffolk: Neville Spearman, 1978, 117.
- Loc. cit.
By Wes Annac, Openhearted Rebel, May 13, 2016 – https://tinyurl.com/h7r6prm