The subject of the “sacred” has been pressing itself upon my consciousness..
We tend to think of the sacred as being associated with people dressed in miters and robes, swinging censors full of incense or people singing bhajans (hymns), playing the tabla (drum) and harmonium.
For me, there’s nothing inherently sacred about these practices. It isn’t that they’re anti-sacred. They’re not They’re just not inherently sacred.
Therefore I’m willing to guess that perhaps 90% of what we consider to be sacred is not.
For me, what determines whether something is sacred or not is whether it raises our consciousness. For me, a lot of what passes as sacred actually lowers my consciousness. Having to sit in a church, listening to a preacher teach obedience to the church, singing hymns that mean nothing to me actually lowers my consciousness. I may feel bored or irritated or disagreeable.
What inspires me, what uplifts my consciousness, what leaves me in love, joy and bliss, that to me is sacred.
And sacred is for me a relative matter, a relationship. So for instance, transformative love and conscious awareness compared to ordinary love and unconscious awareness are sacred. The divine qualities, generally, compared to the mundane qualities, generally, are sacred.
Generosity, enthusiasm, and helpfulness when compared with stinginess, dullness, and a refusal to help are sacred.
Anandamoyi Ma used to break into dance while in trance. That was viewed as a sacred moment. The bishop walking down the aisle in full regalia does not raise within me the sacred (it may in some people).
I consider another state of being to be identical or almost identical to sacred and that is “regal.” I’ve experienced a Seventh-Dimensional state some years ago that I would call “regal,” which was also “sacred.” I have a friend who walks regally and is regal. It’s a joy to watch her and everything she does has an air of being sacred.
When I was in that state, nothing bothered me and I felt no need to move a muscle. Everything that happened was occurring through telepathy. I acted without acting, did without doing.
If one has a reaction to a religious term like “sacred,” I’d suggest walking through the ‘regal” door. It’s often easier and more acceptable in our skeptical society than sacred. I think one would end up in the same space.
Like sacred, regal has its realm of non-applicability. A monarch who’s behaving badly, though regal, is not regal in the sense I mean it. I mean that they have a natural nobility which shines through and expresses to all around them universal love, compassion, and the divine qualities.
This is the most trying period of life I’ve ever been through. Financial pressures are forcing one team member after another to leave. We’re shrinking in size. We’re all of us under tremendous pressure.Some disagreements rise based solely on lack.
And when I look for relief and for a way to be, I’m being internally pushed more and more towards the sacred or regal. It’s as if the tube is being squeezed so hard that whatever was in there, way at the bottom of it, is being forced up to the surface.
And way at the bottom of all my feelings, thoughts, intentions, and desires is the desire for the peace, bliss, and joy that comes with the sacred. The sacredness of higher dimensionality. The new sacred. The everyday sacred.