The Vision Alignment Project
Much Gratitude goes to Richard Blackstone of Create One Love for contributing the following Vision:
We envision a world where we understand on an individual level that we are all truly One at the higher levels of consciousness. This vision allows each of us to realize that even though we may appear to be separate from each other in a physical sense, in ultimate reality everything in existence is made up of Source Energy that is in relationship to and interacts with all of life.
We envision a world where we understand that we are all one in our collective consciousness as well. We see a world where we consciously co-create a new world model through this collective consciousness using the concept of Oneness as a critical component of our creative abilities as a global community.
This Vision of Oneness is the catalyst for each of us to individually take responsibility for our own thoughts, words and actions and thereby everything that we create into our lives. As we envision the concept of being one with all things seen and unseen we revel in the idea that everything we do in life has an effect on all of life as a whole and we therefore happily create the highest good for ourselves and for all others.
As a result we see a world where every person realizes that the best way to serve themselves is to serve all others because in the biggest scheme of life we are all One. The Golden Rule pervades our relationships and life choices as we realize totally and completely that what we do for others we are actually doing for ourselves and what we do for ourselves affects all of existence.
As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too!
You can align with this Vision
by clicking the “YES!” Button below..
The more people who join us in aligning with our visions
The quicker they will become a reality for all of us.
We intend over one million alignments!
For the highest good of the Universe,
Mother Earth, Ourselves, and Everyone Everywhere.