The heart opening I had is an instance of fourth-chakra enlightenment; it was a powerful spiritual experience with many ramifications. (1)
Of events that arose from it, Archangel Michael said: “You have ample experience to write about.” (2) Indeed I do. And it keeps unfolding.
But one aspect I haven’t written about is the fact that the experience was bestowed or mediated by an angel – an archangel, to be exact.
The experience happened three hours before a reading I had with him on March 13, 2015. It was distinctly something that was happening beyond my control and “outside” of me, although in a spiritual rather than a physical domain.
In a moment of surrender, after energy had crept up my body, I felt the equivalent of an explosion in my heart area. It was like someone exploded a stick of dynamite and removed a log jam.
And, since then, my heart has been open, though that doesn’t mean that love flows automatically. For love to flow, other conditions must also be met, as I’m discovering.
When I went to the reading, amazed that the spiritual experience continued after three hours, Archangel Michael implicitly acknowledged that it was he who had bestowed it.
AAM: Yes, your heart is open. The opening is, and will, and shall continue.
S: You mean permanently Lord, really?
AAM: Yes
S: Oh my! Please!
AAM: Because, you have said yes! (3)
The angels – I’m not sure if I should restrict my comment to the archangels – are mediators of enlightenment for us. That’s one of their jobs: to bring us along by bestowing light upon us – light as in guidance and light as in transcendent light, spiritual openings, etc.
One can see this function being carried out by angels throughout scripture. Moses was enlightened by an angel appearing in the burning bush. Many of the prophets were enlightened by angels putting “coals” on their tongue or appearing before them in their majesty. You can read about their mediation of enlightenment (passing the light along) in articles on this site. (4)
I’ll cite only one example to make the point. Here’s Lord Tennyson being enlightened by the appearance of a seraph. Hindus would call this “darshan” or the appearance or vision of a divine form. Usually darshan is of a spiritual teacher or guru. But it can also be of an angel, ascended master, etc.
The appearance of the seraph was the birth of poetry in Tennyson.
I stood upon the Mountain which o’erlooks
The narrow seas….
A curve of whitening, flashing, ebbing light!
A rustling of white wings! the bright descent
Of a young Seraph! and he stood beside me
There on the [mountain] ridge, and look’d into my face
With his unutterable, shining orbs.
So that with hasty motion I did veil
My vision with both hands …
… my human brain
Stagger’d beneath the vision, and thick night
Came down upon my eyelids, and I fell.
With ministering hand he rais’d me up:
Then with a mournful and ineffable smile,
Which but to look on for a moment fill’d
My eyes with irresistible sweet tears…
“There is no mightier Spirit than I to sway
The heart of man: and teach him to attain
By shadowing forth the Unattainable….” (5)
Compared to God’s light, all other light is like shadow: hence “shadowing forth.” Since God is beyond all materiality and all separation, God is said to be “the Unattainable.” Once we merge again with God, “we” ceases to exist. Therefore God cannot be “attained” because, attaining Him/Her, there is no one who attains.
I’m under the impression that every one of us lightworkers reports to one of the archangels. It’s those beings who will mediate enlightenment for us, when the time is right.
As I said in earlier articles, (6) the time being right has a lot to do with our soul contract of service. If too much enlightenment risks our mission, the angels may stop short of that for the sake of maintaining our ability to serve.
But stop short or usher into the presence, the decision rests with our angels. The angels mediate our enlightenment.
(1) See “Submerged in Love” at, “Activating the Wellspring – Part 1/2” at and “Activating the Wellspring – Part 2/2,” at
(2) Archangel Michael, in personal reading with Steve Beckow, through Linda Dillon, March 25, 2015.
(3) Archangel Michael, in personal reading with Steve Beckow, through Linda Dillon, March 13, 2015.
(4) See “The Progress of the Light – Part 1/3,” at and “Angels – Angels enlighten, or participate in the enlightenment of, humans,” at Once when asked to give an example of the kind of jokes archangels share, Archangel Michael feigned turning to Gabrielle and asking, “Gotta light?” I believe he was referring to the angels’ mission of passing light along to others.
(5) Alfred Lord Tennyson in Marghanita Laski, Ecstacy in Secular and Religious Experiences. Los Angeles: Tarcher, 1961, 401-2.
(6) See “Lightworkers and Enlightenment – Part 1/2” at and “Lightworkers and Enlightenment – Part 2/2” at